Wednesday, 13 January 2021

WOYWW 606: Surviving

 Morning and welcome to my weekly contribution to Julia's long running blog link up WOYWW at Stamping Ground - if you pop over all will be explained.

As you can see, Tom and Peter are back keeping me company, although they have to make way if I want to take photos as that is where I perch my small light box.  I am also still keeping up with my daily drawings, even more important to me as a relaxing start to the day.

I've included the prompt list that I am working through as one or two of you were interested.

I have now completed one whole week of online teaching, including my full day on Monday.  Things are definitely getting easier, I now know how much work to expect a class to be able to cover online in a lesson and have adjusted accordingly.  Marking is less, as we are marking work together as we go through a lesson as we would in class.  I am teaching from a classroom in school this week and it looks like that will be continuing as the hubs are getting larger and we will have the pupils we would normally be teaching who are in school too.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

I hope you find another set of daily drawings for when you finished this catch up - I will miss them, never mind you! Glad the online teaching went ok, and that this week does too, take care in that classroom! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Lillianb said...


Love all your drawing but that dragon it just so cute, I always wished I could draw but never mind,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #7

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. How great that you can do those little drawings first thing before you tackle your day. You teachers are doing a fantastic job! It cannot be at all easy - despite you saying it is getting easier! You have had to come to terms with so much this past 10 months. When the open university started up we all remember thinking how odd to be learning through the tv... goodness... how things have had to move on!
Do take care and stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #2

Lynn Holland said...

Well done Sarah in keeping up with your drawing prompts.
And a big well done for your teaching. It’s such a hard time for you, the parents and the children so I applaud you
And I’m sending a virtual hug your way.
Lynn xx 16

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good luck with the test this morning, hope all goes well in school - I have another friend who is a teacher (I was her TA) who says that online teaching is tricky as it’s hard to gauge responses, so I’m glad that things are sorting out themselves for you. I enjoy seeing your daily drawings, the seed head on Day 16 is particularly satisfying!
Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

Diana Taylor said...

I am loving your little drawings, and I also love your quirky and clever take on the subjects - I would never have thought of Rapunzel for overgrown. I love the wild one and could see that as a lino print.
Hope you have a good week and glad you are getting into your stride with the on-line learning, stay safe and well,
Diana xx #25

Morti said...

Oooh - I love your drawings. Especially the dragon - super cute! Maybe I should give it a go. If I can find the time... hehehehe

Happy WOYWW!
Morti #20

My name is Cindy said...

It is interesting that the online teaching is getting easier - I wonder do you feel more 'in control' doing it from a class room? I think it is marvellous how everybody adapts, just goes to show that the majority (yep there are some idiots) of the species are pretty resilient and adaptive to change. Well done you. Great sketches as always and once again in awe of your commitment. Changhing my saocks is a challenge some days. Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy #14 xx

Karen said...

Great daily drawings ~ I smiled at your idea for "overgrown" :) too fun! I'm glad your adjusting to the online classroom as it doesn't look like it's changing back to quickly. Blessings on your week ~ Karen#30

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, good to see Tom and Peter back. I love the drawers they are on! Another great week of drawings - you interpret the words beautifully. Overgrown is my favourite this week. Hope the classroom teaching goes as well as the online teaching. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #18

Marit said...

How good of you to teach online, it sounds like a difficult thing to do indeed. In the NEtherlands, all schools are closed also and I don't envy the teachers who have to teach online (or the parents, who have to work from home ánd tutor their kids) I also stop by to see how you’re doing, I assume you are not ill ’cause you wrote this blogpost,created a drawing every day and you sound healthy and well, thank god! Stay safe. Big hug-from-a-distance! Marit #31

Felicia said...

Sarah, I continue to love your drawings and all the craftiness you post over on Facebook! Prayers for the online lessons. I know it is probably such an adjustment for educators and most certainly when you have a certain teaching style that may not be able to be conveyed through online teaching. Such a shame to you folks that work so hard to educate the next generation! Stay safe as you continue and many blessings to you! Felicia #33

StampinCarol said...

I enjoy your drawings and love the Rapunzel overgrown.
I think I'll have to find a pic of one of my favorites to keep me company.... maybe George Strait. LOL!
Have a great week!
Carol N #29

Caro said...

It is so hard for all my teaching friends - adapting to online teaching is a very different skill and its so hard to know how much the kids are engaging. Praying it will get easier for you. Love the sketches as usual. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah. It looks like there are more pupils in school now, maybe we have more Key workers than we thought. So pleased to see you've kept up with the sketches they are brilliant and thanks for the list. Take care and have a lovely creative week, Angela x23x

Shoshi said...

Love your little drawings as always, Sarah. My favourite one this time was "Overgrown" - what an imaginative treatment of the word lol! You really capture the essence of the word, and in so few lines too - fabulous!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #28

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Sarah!

Your workspace is so tidy! Thank you for the daily prompts. They make me think. Not actually do any, but think about what I might do! I am so bad, and even more so lately. Lots of UFO's flying around here!

Stay safe and well,
Happy Wednesday!


Crafting With Jack said...

Another great series of drawings, your dragon is so sweet! And I love your wild flower. Have a great week Angela #10

Spyder said...

Last week I nipped in to have a look at this octoberink thingy, there are some fabulous drawings...I watched a youtube thingy, with some guy who's a hero's cartoonist type and he showed all his pages. (No wonder its just for October) and he had the same prompt list. Stay safe, keep Crafting! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) 21

Neet said...

Love your daily drawings, it won't be the same without them. I am sure you can think of lots more prompts to use when these end.
So glad you have sorted your timetable out with what you are doing now in these uncertain times. I hope your unions are successful in getting teacher's the vaccine sooner rather than waiting for the age groups. You deserve them before me.
Hugs, Neet 17 xx

BJ said...

Oh I did wonder about teaching from school as well as online as there must be quite a few kids of essential workers. I see loads of cars in our local secondary school which was why I pondered it on one of my walks.
Super drawings as usual, glad you are keeping this up, it will be a lovely reminder of days. Thanks for the visit BJ#6

Stacy Sheldon said...

OOh hopefully, you will get more of your students in person soon Sarah. ( they just let kids go back to school in person part time) here and part time at home online so, only half of them are at the school in person two days a week. but, its been 10 months now for the older grades and they really needed this. They are vaccinating teaching staff along with the medical community here. ( besides the residents of care facilities and people most at risk)
I love that you are sketching, that looks so rewarding. ~Stacy #36

Twiglet said...

Your little drawings are fun - each one a little gem. You are doing a great job at work - I can't imagine how tricky and tiring it must all be - plate spinning is normal for teachers but this is plate spinning and some!! Stay safe. xx Jo

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Sarah, I love your series of little drawings,they're so sweet and you have such a unique take on the prompts - I especially love "overgrown" and "pattern" ones! have a great week :) Annnie C #34

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry I’m late, I don’t know where Wednesday ran off! So glad that you seem to have the teaching sussed, you’re a clever stick, you make it sound very much less stress than I believe it is. I think you’ve really tuned into the prompts, your imagination is really active...I’m not sure I would have even thought about the sword in the stone for legend! Brilliant you.

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit, Sarah, and for your commiserations regarding my health issues. With the way things are going now, I can't see it ever happening... It's mega-frustrating because it could so well have been avoided if they'd not messed me about so much last year. I am delighted with my new Vitamix which is proving to be worth its weight in gold and getting used several times a day! The kitty throw is also progressing well - still quite a lot of squares to do though. My little wandering minstrel (glad you liked the picture!) and her sister say "meow" back!

Shoshi x #28

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! Thanks for your visit! I love all your drawings, especially "Legend", I love all the King Arthur legends! I'm happy the online teaching is becoming easier as you get to know it better. I know it was hard at first, very "foreign", but happy to hear things are getting easier. Who knows how long this will last! I'm very impressed at how you have handled all the extra work and challenges of the past year, some have not done so well, unfortunately. Have a great week! Lindart #35

Susan Renshaw said...

Love the dragon!
Good luck with the teaching! I think my daughter found it quite hard work online - especially with my husband and I in the background. Fortunately we moved out!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #26