Wednesday, 21 October 2020

WOYWW 594: Countdown to Half Term

 Back for another sharing of the desk and linking up with WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday?) courtesy of our weekly host Julia at Stamping Ground.  I must admit to counting down the days until half term now.  I am so ready for a break from work.

My desk shows me getting ready for my daily #inktober2020 drawing as that is what I do each morning.  You can see Monday and yesterday's offerings in the sketchbook that I keep especially for these sketches.  I can't show you anything else at the moment as i am busy making samples for three different Clarity shows, ready for posting at the weekend.  I will share the #inktober drawings that I have done since last week in case you are interested.

The open evening/Saturday went well and the Saturday counts as one of our twilight training seesions for this year so that is good.  It may be the weekend before I manage to visit, sample making dependent.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW everyone.


Helen said...

hope you get your samples done in time! I am sure I'll catch sight of today's sketch too! Have a good day, stay safe. Helen #2

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I'm with you on the break but it's not coming anytime soon for me.. DT work always seems to come all at once for me, hope you enjoyed your time creating them, hope to see what you've been up to soon. Happy to see you took time for YOU, fab inktober too. Happy WoywW Tracey #8 x

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. I am still loving your sketches. I am annoyed at myself for not getting involved with Inktober again, but this month has definitely been hectic and continues to be. Look forward to seeing your finished Clarity samples. Ali x #7

Chrissie said...

Lovely drawings yet again, I would love to be better as it.
We have our younger granddaughter on half term this week, all three kids are on half term next week and then our older granddaughter will have the following week off too!
Since I retired from teaching, half terms are not quite the same!!!!
Chrissie #10

glitterandglue said...

Hi Sarah. Well done on managing to keep up with those sketches - that's brilliant with everything else that's currently going on around us all. They are great fun. All the best with the design work.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Julia Dunnit said...

Cor, that sample making is really a big commitment for Someone as busy as you are. Don’t get me wrong, I know you enjoy it and you’re great at it, Clarity must love your reliability. I expect you are looking forward to half term, I would be....has the cold gone properly? Hope so. Love that you can render a Daley in such detail!!

Christine said...

Love all the sketches you've been drawing for October. Best of luck with all the sample making.
Christine #14

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Sarah, I adore your dalek! I hope half-term comes quickly for you.
Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW!
Lynnecrafts #16

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

You can't be looking forward to half term more than my son LOL! Lucky for them it's inset day on Friday (less lucky for the teachers though) - he's also hoping it will be extended if they decide on a lockdown again. Loving your take on Inktober - how do you come up with all these ideas? Happy countdown to half term - not a day too soon for me either! xx zsuzsa #13

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I've enjoyed seeing your Inktober drawings every day (and Kyla's too) - I'm glad that you're finding it fun too, I bet half term will be a good rest for you, it must be so tricky trying to teach/keep safe etc etc.
Hugs LLJ 17 xxx

Diana Taylor said...

I love your Inktober sketches - a little bit of creativity is a great way to start each day, and a perfect sized project to ensure you don't lose a couple of hours in it without realising!
Hope you get your samples made,
Diana xx #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm well impressed that you've kept up with the sketching. Just got back from walking dogs so thought I'd have a quick look at what you're up to. Have a lovely woyww school day, not long now. Angela x20x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, loving seeing all the Inktober drawings, they're fab. Hope the sample making goes well, don't know how you manage them!Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Ellie said...

heey! I love seeing your inktober drawings, you look like you are enjoying it. Very excited to see the Clarity samples, Happy WOYWW
Ellie ~28

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah,

I'm on countdown to half term too - but only because I am off for the week. J love your sketches - especially the storms one, and the dalek. I hope you have a lovely relaxing week off, and I look forward to seeing the Clarity samples. Take care, Heather xx #15

Felicia said...

Sarah, I always love your little Inktober cute!!! Have a great Wednesday and rest of the week! Blessings, Felicia #32

Sue said...

Love your sketches Sarah. You've definitely got a gift for drawing. I've sent my order in to the Pergamano 50% sale so I've eagerly awaiting my parcel, for Christmas obvs!!!! I'll look out for your samples. Hugs, Sue. x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, I spent ages typing a comment only to lose it pressing the wrong button!!! I've been enjoying your Inktober sketches - I wish I could draw as well. Have a good week and roll on the much needed break. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

Karen said...

I'm with you ~ We are very ready for a holiday break too. Great sketches ~ good challenge to get yourself to create. Blessings on the rest of your week ~ Love, Karen#40

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Sarah!

I’ll bet you are looking forward to half term. Are you still putting in full time hours? Even with all modifications? I imagine this “new way” of doing things is stressful and can be exhausting, but in different ways!

Enjoy being creative making your samples as long as it is relaxing and brings you joy!

Stay well!
Happy Wednesday!

Kathryn #39

Crafting With Jack said...

Great sketches, my favourite is the Dalek. I hope you get your stamp,Ed done in time Angela #36

Shoshi said...

I love your Inktober sketches, Sarah, especially the Dalek! Great stuff.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #22

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Daleks on inktober outpost that’s really weird! Love your drawings and can understand the mid term yearning. We dint have mid term here. Not at all is be thankful you have it,
Be interesting to see clarity work!
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Neet said...

Congratulations on your keeping going with the sketching. I hope you manage the whole lot and I think you will.
Glad the weekend went well and that Saturday counted towards a PaD day (if they still exist under that name). Here's to half term and a rest.
hugs, Neet xx 6 or thereabouts

StampinCarol said...

Great sketches! Hope you get your samples completed with time to spare! And I'm sure you have plans for your upcoming break... maybe relaxing, crafting.. Enjoy!
Thanks for popping by. I'll be trying to visit many through the weekend due to too much going on.
Have a great week!
Carol N #29

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, Hope you get all of your samples done and a break soon. The sketches look very cool, I love the idea of putting them into a notebook so you can flip through them when the project is over. ~Stacy #33

BJ said...

Hi, good to be back in the saddle post-op, didn't think it would take me 2 months to get back to crafting, although I haven't been just sitting around, just doing other things...

Oh the dalek made me smile as my son and I are re-watching all the recent series again currently. Super drawings all round. Half term - bring it on!

Thanks for the visit BJ#26

Kelly said...

HI Sarah!
Love your drawings. I really need to practice more. Thanks for visiting this week. Do what you can when you can. Creative Blessings! Kelly #31

Shoshi said...

Thank you for visiting, Sarah, and I'm glad you like the latest Tiny Carpet. I'm so enjoying this project! Thank you for your good wishes re my various appointments. I had my phone appointment with the physio this p.m. about my bladder and she is pleased with me. Still nothing from Exeter... They are a dead loss! I didn't know you were poorly and having an MRI. I hope the results are satisfactory and that you get some answers for whatever is troubling you. Lily and Ruby say Meow back, and purr-purr!

Shoshi x #22

Dorlene Durham said...

How fun your drawings are! I’ve never partaken in the inktober challenge. This is encouraging. Dorlene #47

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Sarah, sorry for the late vist - I have techy gremlins and still can't view any of the comments on my own post, some kind of blogger weirdness I guess. LOVE your inktober drawings!! Enjoy your half term break, you've definitely earned it :) Annie C #23

Annie Claxton said...

HI Sarah, I have some kind of weird techy gremlin going on, can't read the comments on my own post and can't seem to leave comments on yours either - one last go before I give up! LOVE your inky drawings, they're really fab and good for you keeping it going every day. Enjoy your well-earned half term break :) Annie C #23

My name is Cindy said...

Well done for keeping up with your drawings Sarah - I love the Dalek and that dizzy one is so my head at the moment!! Glad the open evening went well, I'm not surprised you are reaqdy for half term it's been a challenging time for sure. Good luck withthe sample making, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #25

Kyla said...

Hello fellow inktoberer!! (is that a word? No idea but it should be!). Love the idea of using a special sketch book to put them in, and especially love the armour one too!

Thanks for visiting my desk already

Susan Renshaw said...

Loving your sketches. Well done at keeping up with them. Sorry I am so late visiting - Susan #26