Wednesday, 24 June 2020

WOYWW 577: 30th Wedding Anniversary

Good morning and welcome to my weekly peek inside the shed and a look at what's on my desk.  I join in with What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) each week and link up with Julia and crafters from all over the world via the Stamping Ground.
As you can see from the photo (which was taken yesterday morning), I have made a few more tags since you saw the one I was working on last week.  So many in fact that I have had to start a third book ring, as I am up to #74 on the list of Quarantine Quickie prompts.  The prompts will finish at #100 so I shall fill the third book ring before I am finished.  In the background you can see one reason why there is no current project to show you - a parcel of nine samples ready to send off for Clarity shows at the beginning of July.
It was also our 30th wedding anniversary yesterday, which is another reason why there wasn't anything else to show.  Happy 17th anniversary to Caro as well, as we share the same date.  I will be back working in school rather than home this week and for the remaining three weeks of term on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so my posts will have to be prepared in advance again.  Happy WOYWW and a shout out to Y7 and Y8 not back in school.  I will have to visit at the weekend, although I shall try and make it over to you in an evening if I am not too tired.
P.S. On a more positive front, looks like Eva and I will be able to resume our Tuesday get-togethers (social distancing rules permitting) in the new academic year as our timetables will once again permit it!


Helen said...

you will be knackered if you've been awake so long! I get days (or nights) like that too... Loving all your tags, you'e been very productive during lockdown! Have a good week Helen # ??

Helen said...

should have said, happy anniversary for yesterday!

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Goodness - your week is beginning to sound really busy. Glad the guys are back on the roll container!! Happy pearl anniversary for yesterday - trust you managed to celebrate somehow. All those tags! Lockdown has gone on rather a long time hasn't it?! Will be good to see Eva's work again!!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #4

craftyani said...

Perfection on the heart of the anniversary card my pearls never seem to line up correctly, but that is the difference between a professional and a novice! You always seem to have a very productive day don't know how you do it. Ani

Neet said...

Brilliant news that you can resume your crafting with Eva, that really will feel like normality has returned.
Congratulations (again lol) on your Pearl Anniversary. I noticed the card was suitably embellished.
Not so good the news that you will be teaching on a Wednesday next year but I guess someone has to work that day and you can always play catch up at another time.
I know how you love your tag making and it shows in the beauties you have there - what are you going to do with them all when you reach 100?
I've been wondering what to do with my icads and there will only be two months work to see.
Hugs & Stay Safe, Neet 10 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely card for your Pearl Anniversary! Many congrats, it's definitely something to celebrate! The tags looks great on the ring, it's a clever way to store them and I really hope that you and Eva manage to get some crafting done together, it's been a while now!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

I agree with Helen, your lockdown has been very productive, The tags are lovely bits of art, a timely souvenir and also a great reference and prompt for technique and colour etc, going forward. They deserve another book ring! Very pleased to hear that your timetable will work with Eva’s for the next AcYear, some fun to be looking forward to then! Take care Sarah, I know you work 100%at everything, and I know the extra burdens that teachers are facing, your good health is extremely important!

Sue Jones said...

Hope it goes well at school . Happy Anniversary - your card is stunning. Have a great week. Soojay #17

Mariane said...

Happy Anniversary. 30 years is a long time, isn't it? - I love your lockdown tag books. I wish that I have ideas of that kind when it all started. One cannot do all I guess ;)

Thank you so much for sharing!

Mariane #21

sandra de said...

74 tags is an amazing number to have completed. Gorgeous card for your anniversary. DH and I also celebrated our 29th anniversary and got away to the countryside. Very peaceful. Wishing you a creative week.
Sandra de @23

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What a great collection of tags and Happy Anniversary! Ours is coming up next month too, though we will no doubt forget it again as usual! I guess Y6 going back to school doesn't really make sense for middle schools - it should have been Y8 as they're the ones moving on. My son's in Y10 and he only has to go in twice in July for only two hours each day but they started doing lessons on Teams now. It's quite a challenge getting him up for a 9:30 start LOL! We'll see what happens in September. Good that you can play with Eva again, fingers crossed. Happy WOYWW - zsuzsa #24 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Love the tags, the black figures are really cool against that lovely checkered background. Happy belated Anniversary, I love the card, very classy and beautifully pearly!
Have a good week,
Diana x #16

My name is Cindy said...

You have been busy Sarah - and working as well. Congratulations on your anniversary - we reach 35 next week although we have known each other over 45 yrs. scary how the time goes. Good that your meet ups can get going with the new academic year. Stay safe, stay well, Cindy #11

Lisa-Jane said...

Your tag book is coming along nicely! I love the variety in it. Happy anniversary to you too as well as to Caro who I just visited before you! How spooky! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #14

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, and Happy Anniversary. Love the card, gorgeous. So many fabulous tags, loving them. Good to hear you & Eva will be able to craft together again. Stay Safe, Have a lovely week,Hugs, Shaz #5 X

Belinda said...

Sarah those tags are amazing. Such a good idea and something you can look back at years from now. I love all the vibrant colors. Happy anniversary. Mine is on June 30th and it will be our 19th anniversary. Time flies. I am sitting on my desk enjoying a refreshing breeze after days of unbearable heat. I plan on doing some reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Belinda #30

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That is an amazing collection of tags Sarah, well done. Nice anniversary card too. Happy creative woyww, Angela x19x

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Sarah, that is a beautiful anniversary card, love the addition of pearls. Well done on the tags, Angela #33

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, happy anniversary for yesterday, I love the card you made. That will be quite strange going back to school. I will be going into work for another day next week - last week there were 7 out of approx 200 people in the office - very quiet. You have certainly been busy with the tags. Great news that Eva can return to your crafty get togethers. I need to find my hairdressers number, I normally just pop in and make an appointment as it's on my way home from work or she will be booked up for weeks as she only works part time now. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #4

Shoshi said...

A very happy anniversary, Sarah, and what a gorgeous card you made for your hubby. Love the tags too. What good news, soon being able to get together with Eva again! I must say I've missed the reports of the fun you two have together. It will be something lovely to look forward to. Further signs that things are slowly returning to normal.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #26

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, Happy Anniversary to you both :) holy moly that is a lot of tags ( I am totally impressed ) :) ~Stacy #32

StampinCarol said...

Happy Anniversary!!
Your tags are amazing! I can barely make a card some days.
Your anniversary card is gorgeous!
Don't overdo trying to visit.
And good for you and Eva!!
Have a great week!
Carol N #27

Susan Renshaw said...

Happy Anniversary!
Love your tags - and thanks for the heads up on Quarantine Prompts...
It sound to me that you have been very busy! Enjoy the days back at school and Stay Safe!

Caro said...

I love the card that you made and the tags are great fun as ever. Happy belated WOYWW. Stay safe and take care, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

Marit said...

Happy anniversary Sarah, that's a good reason for not being that creative, your hubby needs attention on days like that (which reminds me: I should give my beloved a bit more attention as well, I will go and give him a hug RIGHT NOW!) ~~~~~ OK, done :D I love your tags, 74 you say? That's quite a stack! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier this week, sorry I'm late with my visit back to your blog but finally time fell into place with my mind, yay! Have a great weekend, hug from Holland. Marit #28

BJ said...

Gorgeous anniversary card, need to make my hubby a birthday card before next Thursday! Thanks for the visit BJ#15

Kathryn Frantz said...

Happy Anniversary, (a bit belated)
Sorry to be so late getting around. Had a few appointments, which delayed me.
Love your anniversary card. It is beautiful!

Stay safe!
Happy Friday!


Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit, Sarah - I think it's more dogged determination than patience, to get it right in the end! I couldn't bear the thought of throwing it away (too much wasted material and effort) or putting it back in the box for another 25 years! It's now waiting to be washed and pressed and then we'll see. Hope you get your plumbing issues sorted, by hubby or otherwise! I can't believe how much the kitties have grown, either - although I am conscious of it every time I have both of them on top of me, weighing over a stone together! They were so little when we got them.

Shoshi x #26

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! Once again I admire your school board for seemingly figuring out to school amidst the virus. We haven't been able to do that yet. We are talking about opening up in September, but that's not even for sure. Your Anniversary card is beautiful, Happy Anniversary! 30 years is along time! Your tags are looking awesome, what a wonderful memory it will be be rather to combat awful memories of this pandemic time. Thanks for your visit and your kind words, yes Trump and Trudeau are two opposite sides of the coin! So glad I'm on Trudeau's side of the border! Have a great week, Lindart 329

Kyla said...

ooh the tags look great and Happy Anniversary too. Hope it went well back at school, no doubt with all the new processes in place.
