Wednesday, 6 February 2019

WOYWW 505: Looking Forward to the Holidays

Well it's been a busy half term and, with a week and a half to go, I am starting to look forward to the holidays.  I have plenty to keep me busy, between writing progress reports and lots of craft projects to meet deadlines.  Once again I am afraid that my desk is not very interesting, as I can't show you much of what I've been working on.  However, I have been getting inky with Artistry inks as you can see.
The copy paper has some nice inky patterns from cleaning an acrylic block that I had been using as an ink palette.  On the other side of the desk, Eva popped in briefly between projects, to sort through some of her new stash and try out her new Tonic guillotine as she had been craft shopping. 
I did manage to start a fourth project after she left.
Why am I showing you pictures of our desks?  To join in with the weekly Wednesday desk share (WOYWW) hosted by Julia over at the Stamping Ground.  Please feel free to pop over and peruse desks from all over the world in, what must be the longest running blog link up ever (coming up to 10 years in 15 weeks!)  I'll be over to visit after work this evening.  I'm hoping that you will all find it easier to comment now that I have changed my comment settings to remove the link to google+.  As this will be disappearing in April anyway and the comments can't be transferred over, I thought I'd make a head start.  I have lost all the comments prior to the change which is rather upsetting!


Helen said...

well the good thing about google +'s demise is I can now leave comments Hurrah! It is a shame they couldn't find a way to keep all the old comments though, how frustrating. I look forward to half term too, for a bit more space on the bus in the mornings!!

Lynne Bishop said...

Think I am ok on the Google+ front after our conversation at Maria's class. I am sure if you are anything like my daughters half term is a very welcome break. Hope you get that last project completed tonight. X

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I’m commenting at the push of a button! delighted! Sorry that you’re losing all the previous comments, wow. love the colours you’ve been playing with, those ink pads are lovely nad Inky aren’t they. You’re obviously coping with the deadlines but I wonder if you feel the DT stuff gets in the way of ‘your’ time, if that makes sense? My word, for those of us that no longer count our weeks off in term halves, this one seeems to have gone quickly. I hope you aren’t feeling too ragged!

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Gorgeous colour on your desk this morning! - and a great fun unexpected piece with lots of squares!! I reckon most people would join you in looking forward to the half term break:-)
Yay! Looks like I can comment today as the little box has come up with my glitterendglue google account logo!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, love that zingy inking! Eva will love that guillotine. I have an identical X-Cut one, indeed, I think X-Cut must be a Tonic company, as their cutters are identical, just different colours. I must have had mine 10 years now, and still as sharp as day one. Good that the link was useful for you. Did mine the other day too.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

The G+ comments have already disappeared – they didn’t even wait until April. I think April is when all of G+ goes. I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat LOL. Look forward to seeing all your secret projects when they are unveiled. Have lovely week! Zsuzsa #17

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm finding it easier to comment on your blog now, I always had to try twice before which was weird. Same with Zsuzsa's blog and last time I couldn't comment on hers either. Am loving the bright and cheerful colours on your desk today, just the thing to make me happy!
Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

J said...

Hi Sarah, Your inky paper looks like a BG in the making, I have plenty of those and I am trying to use some of them.
Have a great week
Jan no18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, I don't know how you find time to craft at all but it will soon be the holidays again. This Google+ thing is a pain, just wish they would leave stuff alone as it just makes more work to do when we should be busy crafting. Anyway...have a good week and a happy woyww, Angela x12x

Caro said...

Loving those colours - not come across those inks before but they look lovely. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a nice week. With love and God bless, Caro x (#30)

Stacy Sheldon said...

g'morning Sarah, I think I lost my grouped number of followers and that bugged me more than losing the comments but, I figure people will find me again sooner or later if they really want to. Love the colors on the cleaning sheet too. ~Stacy #25

StampinCarol said...

Love that orangy paper and great scrap, too! I haven't used Google + in quite a while. Didn't much like it. Happy crafting, thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Carol N #21

Darlene said...

Lots of great colours going on there !!
Darlene #25

My name is Cindy said...

Evening Sarah, thanks for the visit. I have some of those artistry inks, they are nice and juicy and the small size makes them very useful for certain kinds of stamps (and the smaller stamping platforms). Lovely colours. Have a creative week, Cindy #20

Lindart said...

What beautiful bright colours! Gorgeous! And Eva's new slicer looks raring to go! As for the thaw we were having here - it all turned to freezing rain yesterday, and we are back down to freezing weather. Oh well, we knew it couldn't last! Thanks for your visit, have a great week, Lindart #27

Sue said...

Hi Sarah,

Interested to see what becomes of the colourful pages.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Happy WOYWW 505
Sue #15

Marit said...

Those splashes of bright colour on the backgrounds.. just lovely!! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, happy ~ belated ~ woyww. Hug from Holland, Marit #16

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Sarah, not heard of these inks, love the bright colours though, very strong, I’ve just joined your blog as no#6 on it, if you’ve not joined mine? Hope you might. I’m guessing it’s because google + has gone? And we followed under that?
Loved the things above and below too. I’m really behind for WOYWW but thanks for popping over!.
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
{Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

Neet said...

Third time lucky - no idea why my other comments wouldn't come through.
Those ink pads look interesting, gorgeous colours - look forward to seeing them used for different things.
Hope Eva likes her cutter - I like mine and have had it for a long time.
Hugs, Neet xx