Wednesday, 27 February 2019

WOYWW 508: Busy, Busy, Busy

What a difference a week makes.  This time last week we were in Bucharest visiting the Old Town, where I came across a whole street filled with art shops, this week I am back at work!
I admit that my desk is totally staged.  I was very good and actually only ventured into one shop as my husband was with me.  I spent the equivalent of a whole pound on these paper napkins that could be bought individually.  I also picked up a play in Romanian for 40p which can be used for journal backgrounds.  The cover is good too and I may well alter it sometime in the future.  The reason my desk is staged is that I have been very busy making samples for two upcoming Clarity shows on HOCHANDA since we returned home.  Leonie's are on Friday and Barbara's are on Sunday afternoon.  Obviously I can't share what I have been making, but I did use my watercolour pencils for a couple of the samples.
The old town of Bucharest is full of restaurants and cafes as well as art shops, a fabric shop which I would have loved to explore, boutiques and the book shop which I shared last week.

I may set aside more money for crafty purchases next time we visit as the Talens and Pebeo paints and inks were rather good value.

There is no picture of the other side of my desk as Eva hasn't made it over for crafting this week.  Next week we will make up for it for certain.  We have a full day workshop with Maria Moorhouse on Saturday for a start.
Please visit Julia over at the Stamping Ground to find out more about what WOYWW is about and to see more interesting desks than mine at the moment. 


Helen said...

the goodies from Bucharest look exciting, especially the book. I managed some crafting at the weekend myself, so no staging for me for once! Have a good day. Helen #4

Neet said...

Your desk is good - what bargains - but Bucharest steals the show for me. Thanks for sharing your trip.
Hugs, Neet xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I love purchasing art material when away there is definitely more romance about those shops than most of the money making ones in the UK.
Sorry i've not been around recently, look forward to having a catch up & already have the shows on to record!! Yay..
Happy WoywW Tracey xx

Claire said...

Wonderful photos and such yummy treasures on your desk :)
Happy WOYWW!
Claire no. 1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I've loved seeing your pics here and on FB, it looks a really interesting place! Those napkins are gorgeous and what a bargain!!
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Sarah, well looks like fun in Romania, well done on the old book as text Romanian is very like Latin hence name Roman I guess, I made some cards with Romanian bible verses and WOYWWed them a while back now for friends who live over there.
Happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #8

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, amazing bargains from Bucharest. You were very restrained! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

My name is Cindy said...

Second desk today that is busy!! I by contrast am taking it very easy. Good haul on the napkins - I am absolutely addicted to them at the moment. Have a good Wednesday Sarah. Cindy #17

Christine said...

Love those 'wooden' animals outside the shops in Bucharest.... inspiring adverts.
I wish our shops sold the napkins separately sometimes, I can't use a whole pack of them but to choose a selection - well done.
Have a good week
Christine #21

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I really like that cat paper mache sculpture in front of the shop! A whole street of art shops sounds lovely! Hope you enjoyed your trip - look forward to seeing your Hochanda samples! zsuzsa #18

J said...

A lovely set of napkins, looking forward to seeing them in use.
I can only dream of one craft shop let along a whole street full of them, it looks a quaint place.
Happy WOYWW jan no21

Caro said...

Love the beautiful napkins and those cats are such fun. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a great week. With love Caro x (#26)

Sue said...

Sarah, You were very restrained to only go into one shop. the napkins are lovely.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #5

Julia Dunnit said...

Bucharest looks wonderful, really enjoyed all your pics. I love the idea of buying the serviettes individually, very sensible for craft use! I always try to pick up a secondhand book when we’re abroad, saves a lot of moaning in workshops when people can’t read what I’m asking them to rip up and stick a page on a card front!

MiamiKel said...

Hello sweet new friend! Thank you so much for finding my blog! I am blessed and grateful! I think I'm following you back so thank you for your patience as I learn my way!
Your work - oh my! I spent a minute or two going back and oogling, I mean, swooning over all the wonderful things! From your choices of color to design to photography skills, all just amazing! I love how other artists interpret the views and creativity in so many ways - and I love cats! My daughter just rescued one, have had them my whole life, so that's just PURR-fect to see your beautiful napkins. Take great care! Hugs!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like an interesting place to visit and loving the napkins too. Have a great woyww, what's left of it and a happy creative week, Angela x14x

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, ooh that is so fun to see your travel photos and I had to laugh that you were on your best behavior shopping with your hubs... ( there is a joke here that goes shopping with your husband is like hunting with the game warden) and that is what I thought of when I read what you wrote. :) ~Stacy #24

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Sarah, sorry I'm late :o) Beautiful napkins and that book looks really cool. I love bringing crafty treasures home from a holiday. Annie C #19

Kathryn Frantz said...

I often wonder, while watching Clarity demos, which are yours. Are you mentioned and I have just missed it? Thank you for the pics of your trip, lovely old world, isn’t it? Everything here is way younger! A girlfriend just spent 2 weeks in Italy, Rome and Florence. I am anxious to see her pics too. I’m traveling vicariously.

Marit said...

I love napkins to use on my art journal pages, and the ones you found are really gorgeous! And I'm a big fan of books in another (to me) unreadable language, it will be great fun to use those book pages! Thanks for your visit earlier this week, I'm late again with my woyww-visit-round... enjoy your weekend! Hug from Holland! Marit #15

Dorlene Durham said...

Gorgeous napkins. I can't wait to see what you do with them. Have a great week. Dorlene #25