What a fabulous celebration of friendship and memories last week for WOYWW. It was brilliant that so many of you joined in, including the originator of the idea, Julia who got things started and entrusted me to carry on after 15 years. So if you would like to show what is on your desk and link in you will be heartily welcome to What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.
I have been thinking ahead to next year and my next daily project. Thought I'd give watercolour a go as I certainly have plenty of supplies. I will definitely keep things small though - maybe a splodge one day and then doodle over with a micron pen the next day.I think this month's #dailycollage2024 pages are my favourite colour combination so far.I have a parents' evening after school today so will have to finish visits tomorrow morning. The plumber should be coming to fit a new thermostat to the boiler tomorrow so then I will have heating again as well as hot water. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.
Oh Sarah, have you been without heating? Not wonderful at this time of year but thankfully the days have been fairly mild.
Yes it was lovely hearing about when people joined and, in some cases, why. Brought lots of memories back of people who are no longer with us or who have taken a break for a while.
Love the autumnal colours you have used. Can understand them being your favourite, I love autumn because of its colours - just not the leaf picking that comes with it in our garden.
Hugs Neet 1 xx
I agree, it was a lovely week remembering! my sharing today is very poor in comparison! Happy WOYWW and hope parents' evening goes well later. Helen #3
Yes, I love your Autumn colour collages too It is a lovely season when the sun shines, the sky is blue and the leaves are turning.🍄 I hope your boiler is soon doing it's job and keeping you cosy. x x Jo 🌈
Good luck with parents evening. And at least it's not super cold yet. Boilers. BAH! Loving the autumnal colours :)
Between week for me.
…and knitting, of course
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (6)
Good morning Sarah, popping by with my monthly round up. I like your thinking behind a task for next year. It seems a good plan to me to have focus for the new year. My auntie used to spend the winter months planning her new garden scheme for the next year. We spent many a cosy hour discussing it and pouring over gardening books and seed catalogues.
Have a good week
Lynn 8 xx
Hi Sarah, it was great to look back and a lovely way to celebrate. You are winning me over with you daily journal pages and I am considering it but it might have to be one a week to begin with we'll see. You know me frm my projects, I'm too easily distracted! Have a good evening and a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela xXx
Oh you certainly do have lots of lovely watercolour supplies. Love the wooden box. And the little jars are they watercolour too? Looking forward to your 2025 daily pieces. And back to this year, yes the colour combo this month is lovely, you sure have a lot of varied supplies some lovely images this month too. Hope the heating is back on again soon and the parents' evening goes well. Hugs BJ#10
Ooer watercolours?...I will be looking forward to seeing what you do.
Annie x
Love this month’s collage colours. I have been looking at some watercolours with doodles lately, some nice ones on Pinterest. Happy WOYWW. Angela # 12
good job your heating will be fixed before the cold weather really sets in. At the moment it's manageable with extra woolies or a lap blanket but after Christmas, that would be a different matter.
I had to smile at this week's images - I always sign cards to my husband with "Love always, all ways".
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