Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Final Round up of Daily Drawings for 2023

 I have already made a start on my daily craft project for 2024: a daily collage piece.  Here is the final round up of my projects for 2023 - my daily drawings for the second half of December.

They got progressively more challenging towards the end of the month.

I kept things seasonal.
We are a cat family!
Another seasonal response.
I have been rewatching Glee so went with pom poms.
Keeping things simple before the difficult prompts kick in.
Seemed the most appropriate response for the time of year.
More like back to bed with the post term/Christmas head cold and sore throat!
Feeling more civilised today!
After seeing family for the day post Christmas.
Already making plans.
I have been really good this Christmas.
Everything in place for my #dailycollage2024.

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