Tuesday, 23 January 2024

One Layer Stencilled Card

 Still slowly working my way through NBUS (Never Before Used Stencils) and went back to July 2016 with Clarity Club stencil #26.  I adapted one of Barbara Gray's projects to avoid using a gel plate.

Create an A5 card blank by folding a sheet of A4 white card in half.  Attach Clarity New design Club stencil #24 to the front using low tack masking tape to create a hinge.

Tear a piece of copy paper to create a hill and add it below the stencil to mask off the bottom.

Brush Salty Ocean Distress ink through the top of the stencil using a Clarity stencil brush. 

Lay the large Dotty Wave stencil over the top and blend Salvaged Patina Distress ink through both stencils.

Swap out the copy paper masks to reveal the bottom.

Blend Twisted Citron Distress ink through the bottom section.

Replace the Dotty Wave stencil and add Peeled Paint Distress ink through both stencils.  Remove the stencils and masking.

Colour the trees with Faber-Castell Polychromos (Warm Grey I, II and III).

Add the boy reading a book from Wee Folk set 2 in Jet Black archival ink.

Add the girl walking a dog from the Family Miniatures set and some grass in the same ink.

To finish, add one of Barbara's Words stickers.

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