Wednesday, 22 March 2023

WOYWW 720: Just Over A week

 Welcome to my weekly contribution to WOYWW thanks to Julia at Stamping Ground for keeping things going.  Hope you are feeling better this week.

Sorry there is not much of interest on my desk today but I can't show you what I am working on yet.

We had the grand kitties to stay while the boys were off gallivanting in Moldova and Croatia for a few days.  They were really good and we had no issues with the new carpet.  They are back home now so no need to worry about letting them out by mistake.

I can't believe I reached day 80 in my #dailydrawing2023 challenge yesterday.  Only a week and a half until the Easter holidays now.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

Cute kitties (and I am not really a cat person, shh don't tell anyone) glad they didn't wreck the new carpet! The daily drawings are zooming along, well done! Doesn't time fly.... Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hope the kitties behave they look very sweet. Well done with the drawings too. Soon be easter school holidays, the time certainly does go too quickly. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x5x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You’ve done really well keeping up with the drawing, I still enjoy seeing your interpretation of the prompts! Cute kitties, glad the carpet survived ok!
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings, does it take you long to come up with ideas? “Gathering” made me smile. Happy WOYWW. Angela #8

Neet said...

The responsibility of looking after kitties weighs heavily on the shoulders of the cat sitter but you can relax now that these two pretty ones have gone back home.
Oh you are teasing us again with that half hidden piece.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Annie said...

Love the fur babies. Your daily drawings are fab...well done you for keeping it going.
Annie x #12

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

So fun to see grand cats ! I enjoy your FB drawings and here too, haven't been to active with all these computer issues. And TIME flies by, our snow just melted and 40's here no green/or flowers. I so waiting. Enjoy a great week Happy WOYWW.

Christine said...

Gorgeous cats, how lovely to be able to enjoy them for a while and then give them back!!
Great drawings as usual.
After your card last week, I watched the show and am very tempted to buy those stamps. The simplicity of the images are just fab.
have a good week
Christine #16

Twiglet said...

I wonder what you are up to? Look forward to seeing it. Well done on all those drawings

BJ said...

Love you interpretation of GLEE, no idea what I'd have done there!!! Hugs BJ#10

Tracy said...

Whooot whooot on making it to your 80th drawing🀸‍♂️πŸ₯°πŸ’Ÿ❤️🧑 I'm loving seeing what you've done each week ... it's going toooo be spectacular to see them all together at the end Sarah ⭐️ Jess and Milly are little cuties πŸˆπŸ’•πŸˆ I'm glad all went well.Whoot whooot you'll soon be on your holidays 🀸‍♂️πŸ₯°πŸ’›πŸ’•πŸ§‘ not long toooo go πŸ˜‰ Sending love and hugs Tracy #14 xxx

Lynnecrafts said...

Your grand kitties are beautiful and your drawings are lovely. I adore your interpretations of Cozy and Glee.
Take care
Lynnecrafts 13

Julia Dunnit said...

Thank you Sarah, I’m very much better, fighting back and winning, I like to think! Day 80? That made me do a bit of a double take, your drawings make a good daily tally for me too! I love ‘gathering’, made me chuckle and as so often, am amazed by your skills in interpreting these prompts! Super glad the cats didn’t give themselves a reputation!

Susan Renshaw said...

I read this the other day but didn't get around to commenting! Enjoyed the pic of the cute kitties and your sketches as usual! O
I was a bit confused with the first as I misread it as shark!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #6

Kelly said...

I'd have gladly kitty-sat. Well except my two would have had none of that! LOL So spoiled they are. I love seeing your sketches. I almost picked up a book the other day with daily drawing prompts. Maybe next year.
Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #17