Wednesday, 16 October 2019

WOYWW 541: Some Sneaky Shopping

I may have indulged in a little sneaky craft shopping recently.
My desk shows the Floral Friends Aperture Dies and accompanying ii (inspiration and ideas) book that I purchased during a recent blitz offer from Claritystamp.  Every so often Barbara Gray decides that something should be made available at a really good reduction for a couple of days.  My Christmas sale order hasn't arrived yet.  I was really restrained and kept myself to three stamp sets and a set of four dies.
Eva and I bought the die to make this matchbox and case between us at Maria Moorhouse's recent workshop.  I may have a few still to put together for a project that we worked on: one of my plans for half term the week after next.  Maria is on Hochanda today at 12pm and 4pm with some new Christmas stamps.  These are my sample sneaky peeks.

I am joining in with Queen Julia and the WOYWW gang over on The Stamping Ground for another Wednesday of desk sharing.  It is a late night at work this evening (prospective parents evening) and I have to pick up my new glasses in the morning, so it may be the weekend before I can visit everyone. Happy WOYWW!


Helen said...

Looks like some great purchases!! Hope the prospective parents evening goes well! Helen #1

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Some lovely new stash there on your desk today - really useful dies - you will be able to do so much with them. Sneak previews look good! Hope the evening goes well...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #8

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Nice to treat yourself.. especially when there's a super bargain up for grabs. Like the sound of that matchbox die, hope you share the finished project!
Your Clarity samples look intriguing, it's on record. Happy WoywW Tracey #6
P.S Good luck with Parents evening..

sandra de said...

Those dies look perfect for so many creations. Will be interesting to see what you do with the matchbox
sandra de @16

Glenda said...

Wonderful new toys to play with! Happy WOYWW!
Glenda #15

Diana Taylor said...

Lovely new stash - those floral aperture dies are soooooo pretty! I love the little matchbox die too - I'm looking forward to seeing your project with them.
Have a great week,
Diana x #17

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Enjoy those little match boxes. I have that die and have enjoyed the many uses . Amazing how fast the seasons come and go, all offering such beauty. Enjoy a great week.

My name is Cindy said...

Nice stash!! Trying to sit on my hands but having NO SUCCESS!! I have been very bad again this month. However as LLJ pointed out think of the cost if I smoked!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #18

Sue Jones said...

Nothing like a bit of sneaky shopping ( i MAY have ordered a whole bunch of stamps a little while a go ekk)
Have fun playing!
soojay 23

StampinCarol said...

I like your purchases! And matchboxes are so fun to decorate!
Great sneak peeks!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You were very restrained, lol! The floral die is rather lovely and will be used such a lot - great idea to share stash with Eva too! Hope the parents' evening went ok!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That's quite a collection of dies you have there. Hope you've evening went well and you've had a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

Crafting With Jack said...

Those dies look lovely, I shall have to look them up :). Looks like you have a lot of matchboxes to make.

Lillianb said...

I spotted a post on face book about a place that will put a message in your crafting parcel saying its a prize ou won, lol Such a great idea, i try not to look at sales its hard though

Lilian B #12

Stacy Sheldon said...

Those dies look like they are going to make some really neat projects Sarah, Love the idea of doing those matchbox dies to tuck small things in for gifting. ( my brain is totally on Christmas right now) :) ~Stacy #24

Neet said...

I love getting new specs. Then when I get them I am usually disappointed and find I like my old frames better! Fickle or what?
I love the fact that you indulged - everyone needs to do something like that now and then and I would consider it a treat you deserved. Good for you Sarah - and I love the matchbox too.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx