Sunday, 2 June 2019

Fancy Frame Poetry Scene

These fabulous new poetry stamps with fancy frames will be showcased this afternoon by Barbara Gray on Hochanda between 2pm and 4pm.  Here is the first of my samples.
Cut a piece of stencil card to 19cm x 13.5cm. Brush Avocado and Pampas Artistry inks along the bottom using a stencil brush and the Mountains & Hills mask.
Stamp the large bird in Jet Black Archival ink and add a mini moon mask where the sunbeam stamp is to be added.
Add clouds at the top in Tenacious Teal Artistry ink, using the Clouds mask and the left over ink on a stencil brush.
Add the frame, poetry and smallest bird in Jet Black Archival ink.
Remove the mask and stamp the sunbeam in place. Add the Wee Folk sitting on a bench within the framed area.
Use a water brush to add further colour (Avocado and Pampas) to the grass area within the frame.
Colour the sun and the frame in watercolour pencils in shades of yellow ochre and red/brown. Blend out the colours with a water brush.

Add some teeny weenie grass (Grove Trees Outline set) below the poetry using the mountains & hills mask to mask off the grass. Matt the topper onto black card leaving a narrow border and add to an A5 white card blank.

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