Wednesday, 8 March 2017

WOYWW #405

Hi everyone.  I've been crafting alone this week as my friend couldn't make it yesterday. She will be joining me on Saturday afternoon this week as she can't make next Tuesday either.  I will be sure to take a photo of her side of the desk to share next week.  Having crafted and blogged every day over half term, I decided to see if I could keep it up once I was back at work.  So far, so good, although the first week back wasn't a normal week due to INSET.  I don't think that I would be able to keep it up if I worked full time, but on three days a week it is a little more manageable.  The photo was actually taken on Monday night after my longest day of the week, so if I can find time to craft then, I can find time anytime.  Normally I would have just fallen into bed after tea, as I am usually up and marking by 4am on a Monday; however I made myself go out to the shed and start crafting.  
Before I knew it the art journal page that I was working on in the picture was finished and ready for posting.  You can see the step by step HERE if you're interested.  The page reflects my new outlook on a work, life balance.  I actually felt quite refreshed once I was finished, although normally I would have been fast asleep by that time on a Monday.
If you want to know why I'm sharing a photo of my desk and what WOYWW is all about, check out our host Julia's page HERE.

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