Wednesday 10 July 2024

WOYWW 788/8: Flying By

 Welcome to the weekly desk share that is WOYWW.  Thanks to Julia for trusting me to carry on with her baby of the first 15 years (780 weeks).

My desk shows some new alphabet dies that I used to personalise a new baby card for a colleague (see Saturday's blog) as I didn't think you would be interested in my assessment marking.

I am into the swing with the July #dailycollage2024 pages as you can see.  Yesterday afternoon I had a pleasant time at school (on my day off) with the u3a recorder group playing for KS2.  They seemed to have a good time and asked some great questions.
This evening I will be stopping on at school between home time and awards' evening as it is an early start and finish so everyone can make it home in time for the footie.  I will be round to visit as soon as possible.  Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW.


Helen said...

I hope the awards evening finishes in good time; although I think watching the footie might be a bit tense! Happy WOYWW, Helen

Neet said...

What a great idea, your school timing parent's evening so that people don't miss the England match. I can well imagine you will be dashing off as soon as your last appointment has been.
Love to see how dedicated you are to your challenge. How long is it you have been doing this particular one now please?
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Mary Anne said...

Good luck with parents evening and I agree with H : the match will be a nail biter till the final whistle! Love the collages but miss the purple lol!

Twiglet said...

Your challenge collages are fab - I don't know how you do it! So many lovely bits and bobs beautifully put together.😃 I do hope we get to see a great match tonight (Cup half full girl here) Good luck with your presentation evening - great planning.⚽⚽ x x Jo

BJ said...

Super alphabet dies, got me thinking could I add to my collection of 16 alphabets? I wonder? Super collages, again love the toadstools and I even had a few for last nights, just before bed, page. Still can't get my head around what age group your school is. KS2 is primary but I thought you were with older kids? Defo lost the plot these days. Footie, what footie? hope the awards evening goes well. Hugs BJ#4

Twiglet said...
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Lunch Lady Jan said...

You’re right, time is whooshing by so quickly and I admire you for packing so much in. The collages are fab and I bet the kids were amazed to hear that recorders can be really gorgeous instruments, far removed from how they’re usually heard in primary schools!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

BJ said...

Yes retirement gives you the time to do lots of crafting. 120 days eh? desperately trying to work out when that is now? Hugs BJ#4

Annie said...

Loving the daily challenges as always. Hope you get home in time for the football tonight and they surprise us and win :-)
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I wonder if the Headteacher watches the football Lol! they are not normally so understanding or is that just my experience? Have a good day. Hugs Angela x10x

My name is Cindy said...

Well done with all those cards!! Enjoy the fooie, Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy#9

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Lovely sunny collages there Sarah! Rather you than me with the recorders - it's the one instrument that I cannot listen to even when in the hands of professionals! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11

Diana Taylor said...

I'm loving your collages - such a gorgeous colour theme this month. What a good idea working parentn's evening around the football - I haven't been following it at al but I hope it's a good match for you.
Happy WOYWW,
Diana xx #13

Spyder said...

loving your cards...I'm doing postcards all this month. Not sure what the difference is as I was thinking of joining in with some clallenges. John was never a footie fan, so was quite pleased we could do other things other than watch it on telly. have a great week, Happy WOYWW!? {{Lyn)) #14

Kelly said...

Good morning, Sarah
I love seeing your dailies. Once the studio is less of a mess, my goal is to do a daily 'something' challenge next year.

When you talked about the school performance and the great questions, I was reminded of a similar situation with Maestro Steven Byess and the Polish Sinfoina when they played at a local grade school several years ago. Like your experience, the kids asked great questions. Steven is all about music in the schools and fostering music in our youth. Kids are smart if you just give them the chance.

Creative Blessings!
~ Kelly #15

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, You're having a busy day - I hope it's all going well and to plan. I'm enjoying seeing all your collages and, like others have also said, the change of colour theme is lovely. I'll be following the tennis while others enjoy the footie. Enjoy. Elizabeth x #15

Lindart said...

The end of school is so exciting! Lots of fun things (except writing the assessments!). Your journal pages are lovely as always, my favourite this week is Nature and Nurture! Gives me all kinds of good feelings! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #17

Cardarian said...

Hi Sarah! Thank you for kindly taking over WOYWW. I am back now and will try to be a regular! I love your posts, I keep track of them on FB too.
Have a lovely crafty week!

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Sarah, we are at Bednall Head, Stafford. First day, but my husband is very pleased with the walking. Do you know the area? I have just been trying to sort out the car insurance and just as I get to the point where I see the prices, it tells me the prices have expired- 3 times now🙈. I will try again tomorrow. I hope the football’s enjoyable. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Lynnecrafts said...

Sorry to miss this week. We got home from France this evening, from yet another hotel whose WiFi was only theoretical. We had a good time though. Xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Great collages- I love the current colour scheme!
I could really use that set of letter dies!
Happy WOYWW Susan #8. Just put the granddaughters on the train to go home and now away for the weekend to look after Ollie while his Mum and Dad go to a wedding. Fortunately the holiday cottage has internet,,,

Susan Renshaw said...

OK so my first attempt at commenting threw up an error message so i am trying again. Great collages - love the new colour scheme. Could use those letter dies!
Happy WOYWW Susan #8.
Just put the granddaughters on the train to go home and now away for the weekend to look after Ollie while his Mum and Dad go to a wedding. Fortunately the holiday cottage has internet,,,