Wednesday 31 August 2022

WOYWW 691: Getting Back to Work

 This time next week I will be back teaching again so I am spending a couple of days finishing the preparations and paperwork for the upcoming school year.  I did manage a couple of projects since we returned from our short break away at least and hope to get back to crafting tomorrow.

In the meantime my desk is rather boring.  I am sure if you visit Julia at Stamping Ground you will find far more interesting desks to visit this week.

We enjoyed three nights in Scarborough with day trips to Whitby, Goathland and York, visiting Bridlington on the way home.

Bridlington Harbour



York Minster


The view from the hotel.

Whitby Abbey

Hubby at Goathland
We had a refreshing time before getting back to the grindstone.

I managed to keep up with the daily journal by prepping a few papges in advance.  Hope to be able to visit desks once I have finished work for the day.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

I am glad you got away for a few days before the day job beckons you back in! Hope you get the last of the prep work done and you can spend some time crafting later. Love the pics from your holiday. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a lovely break you had! We lived in Northallerton for three years and am very fond of that whole area, Whitby is one of my fav towns in the north. Lynnecrafts and I used to go there to visit a very special wool shop!! Happy days xx. Hope the return to school isn’t too onerous.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Tracy said...

Hellooo Sarah 🤗 how the time has flown but what memories you made in your holiday ... beautiful photos they are 😍 in a beautiful part of the world. Good luck with the prep work 💕 gorgeous pages ... I've missed those in my week! Sending love and hugs Tracy #9 xxx

Tracy said...

Hellooo Sarah 🤗 how the time has flown but what memories you made in your holiday ... beautiful photos they are 😍 in a beautiful part of the world. Good luck with the prep work 💕 gorgeous pages ... I've missed those in my week! Sending love and hugs Tracy #9 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Sarah! So good to hear from you! Looks like you've had a lovely short break - I do want to explore the Yorkshire area one day! My husband's mother was born there, but brought up in Cheltenham, so we don't have a connection to that beautiful area of the country. Good that you were able to keep up with your daily journalling. Good luck for the new school year! xx zsuzsa #19

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Sarah, thanks for popping over, I still remember our crafting time in 2018, it will be 4 years next week wow the time has flown. I’m livening your pages your doing each week, very clever and ever so glad you made your time away on the hols, I’ve been to Yorkminster but not anywhere else you stare so lovely to see, your beaches are so very different to ours, aren’t they?.
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Well done at getting a great holiday even if it was a short one and keeping up with the journal pages too. We will probably go to the coast for a few visits once the children are all back in school. We would in the past have taken my parents away this week but Covid put an end to that. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

My name is Cindy said...

Hi there Sarah! I don’t know how you feel but only seems like last week you were looking forward to The summer break and now its over! That sure flew by fast. Your break looks lovely and I hope you manage a bit more ‘you’ time before its back to work! Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy xx @16

glitterandglue said...

Hi Sarah. What a lovely break you have had. The photos are great. Nice to charge your batteries before term begins! My youngest grandie begins his A level studies next week... ants to be an astrophysicist! His GCSE results suggest that is certainly the right direction!
Great journal pages. Signs you have had a lovely summer...
Take care. God bless
Margaret #5

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Sarah, what a great trip. Did you go inside York Minster? It was incredibly expensive when we were there, I know these buildings have a huge bill for upkeep, but even so it was very expensive. The skies in your photographs are a very beautiful blue. We were going to Whitby last year, but the traffic was horrendous, we turned around and went somewhere else. Always a busy place. Great journal pages. Happy WOYWW. Angela #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you enjoyed your break, Sarah. I haven’t been to the N Yorks coast for ages.
Your journal pages are fab. Enjoy the start of your new term
Bon courage!
Lynnecrafts 14

Neet said...

Hope the little break has done you good and you feel ready to face another year of teaching.
I love the east coast although rarely get to it and doubt we will now we have interests on the west coast.
Take care
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Lindart said...

Glad you had some time before school starts! Lovey photos, I really like the Whitby Abbey, we don't have anything here that old! Your journal pages are great, and pre-prepping really makes a difference, doesn't it! Have a great week, and thanks for your visit, Lindart #22

BJ said...

Oh the desk diary - used to use those just for Mum things but think I gave up on 2020 with Covid. Have since progressed to using Google Calendar which I can see on my desktop/tablet and Phone. Best bit for me is discovering I can search for things in it and with my ever decreasing memory this feature is jolly useful. With hubby now retired and son left home it is even becoming difficult remembering what day it is now! Loving your pages still super impressed you are keeping it up, lovely break away too, you packed a lot into the few days - excellent. Hope the new school year gets off to a good start. BJ#8

Kyla said...

ooh glad you managed to get away, looks lovely and impressed you managed to keep up with the daily journal too. Hope school goes ok and thanks for visitng my desk already