Wednesday, 10 August 2022

WOYWW 688: Nice weather

 Welcome to the weekly desk sharing with Julia and the WOYWW crowd at Stamping Ground.  Jump in, the water's fine.

I noticed that Tilly Tea Dance had added to her Etsy shop and couldn't resist another piece of beautiful art work to go with the 6 I already have.  In front of that is my latest indulgence - a Garklein - the smallest recorder you can get and played with the almost the same fingering as a descant (or soprano as known in the US).  I can get my fingers onto it so just need to practice now.  It was recorder group yeterday afternoon and I had a thoroughly fabulous time.  I am heading to another recorder group on Saturday which meets monthly and is run by my former secondary school music teacher.  We have known each other since I was 12 and she is a recorder specialist. 

As you can see the #dailychallenge2022 has passed through a school phase and is now into a service/construction vehicle phase.  I was thinking of Lynne when I did the construction pages.

Stay safe and happy WOYWW everyone.


Twiglet said...

Thanks for supporting Tilly Tea Dance - you are a gem! The sunflower pic is one of my favourites. I love that tiny recorder - I do think you need to post a little musical video for us! Fab cards. xx Jo

Annie said...

I've just finished a batch of sewing so thought I'd take a break and visit a few of my favourite blogs.
So lovely to see one of Maxine's treasures on your desk. What a cute little recorder....glad you're having fun with it.
Annie x #10

Crafting With Jack said...

Great collages. That tiny Tilly picture is beautiful and I wish I could hear you play that tiny recorder. Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

My name is Cindy said...

Well you have opened my eyes, who knew recorders were such a thing! I think I need to add to my TTD collection - the one I have is very similar to your latest treat! Lovely collage, happy WOYWW love and hugs Cindy xx #5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Another great collection of journal pages and the new Tilly piece is beautiful. I can just imagine you all playing the recorder together, bet it sounds brilliant. Have a very creative woyww, Angela x9x

Julia Dunnit said...

I’m with Twiglet, time we had a bit of a video, I can’t imagine the sound of the teeny recorder. I love that you continued to play, and even more that you still play with one of your school music teachers, that’s priceless! Your creative streak is long and wide isn’t it!

Helen said...

Love that dinky recorder! Glad the recorder group went well, and enjoy the one on Saturday! Happy WOYWW, sorry I am late, just home from the hairdressers. Helen #3

BJ said...

Love the "phases" of your daily challenge. And isn't that the cutest recorder ever. I can certainly see why you couldn't resist the new piece of artwork.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Recorders can be so beautiful, I bet the group makes a great sound - I think I like the medieval sort of music best. Hope you have fun! Great artwork as usual, glad you’re making the most of your holidays!!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

Neet said...

Oh Sarah, I read that as you had 61 of those Tilly pictures. Then i realised it was 6! It's the heat!
Wow, so you go to recorder lessons, how exciting, and even more so if you learn to play the teeny one.
Hugs, Neet xx 4

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh Sarah, I love love love those sunflowers, I’m glad I din5 live in UK or I’d be like you, I’ve one my sheep on hillside by Tilly and do love them all lots. Recorders are great. We’ve an orchestra at church and there is a descant recorder among them.. it adds to the woodwind and strings and few brass, we are pretty spontaneous at our church for music.
Love your daily challenge progress too!
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lynnecrafts said...

Just visiting now I’m back from Wales.
I love your construction collages! Better than reality- most of the sites I worked on were more dust than anything pretty! My cousin worked at JCB so they remind me of him, too.
I used to love playing the recorder. Brian bought me a tenor one but I don’t have the fingerspan for it.
Take care
Lynnecrafts 11

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! I like the Make Art Not War page, and all the construction pages. Brilliant idea to use the striped background! Have fun with your new recorder! Thanks for your visit,
Inky, Mittsy and Lindart #19

pearshapedcrafting said...

I've always wished that I'd learned to play a recorder. Love those pages, hugs, Chrisx #17

Anne said...

Hi Sarah. Great collages. Love the Tilly Tea Dance picture. Anne x 14