Wednesday, 8 December 2021

WOYWW 653: Countdown!

 Welcome to the weekly desk share courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground and WOYWW.  I have made it through the first week back at work and my voice seems to be holding up nicely.

My desk shows the pens which I have now finished labelling and some stamps that I have been playing with recently - watch out from tomorrow for some of the projects I made with them.

I am still drawing each day.  I decided not to go with a festive theme this year as i have for the last two Decembers.

Only a week and a half to go until we break up so then it will be full on with the Christmas preparations.  I won't be sending many cards this year but will donate to charity instead.  Happy WOYWW.  Hope storm Barra hasn't caused anyone much damage.


Helen said...

I am glad your voice is holding up (are the students?!) :) I need to get a shifty on with some Christmas prep... Those new stamps look interesting, i will watch out for the projects. Take care Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Neet said...

It must be close to wind down week at school and party time is looming - do you have 'form parties' still, in schools or has all that had to stop?
Glad you are back at school, you had quite some time off with that nasty virus.
Think it is about time I followed your idea and did donations instead of cards but I've already bought some stamps (and charged housekeeping this time) for next Christmas. Talk about trying to get ahead! Drat!
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Glad you’re better now, just ge through the next couple of weeks and then another break will get you back to 100%! It’s interesting seeing how you interpret the prompts and makes me think about what I’d do….I’d never have thought of Stripes like you did for example!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I absolutely understand what you're saying about cards and charity but I will carry on sending them because I know there are people who would be very sad if I didn't or wonder if their was something wrong especially as things are at the moment. My mum was pretty upset yesterday as she thought no one was sending her any. Hope end of term goes well for you. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well, glad to hear that the old pipes are still holding up, hope you weren’t too exhausted by leaping back in. Love the non Christmas theme for Decembers daily drawings…I wonder if once you’ve broken up and are surrounded by preparations if it will be harder not have the Christmas influence with the ideas that come from the prompts. It won’t matter at all, but time will tell!!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Love your take on the stripes! Is it really just 1 1/2 weeks of school left? Let me check. By golly, it is! When did that happen LOL? I'll have to work up until Christmas, but just the fact that I don't have to worry about my son doing his homework, getting to school on time and having clean uniform, etc is like a holiday for me! I can even sleep in on some days. Just hang on, we're almost there! Happy #653! xx zsuzsa #14

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you can have a rest for Christmas. It’s hard to go straight into talking all day when you’ve been ill. L I’ve your drawings; the stripes over your hand are very effective.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 11

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. I love your idea for stripes and that cake is definitely making me hungry again. I send less cards each year and next year I may just do ones for hubby (because I like to do a fancy card and see it displayed on our shelves!), my mum and a church-going uncle. Otherwise I do a design to display on Facebook and Instagram for all my crafty and other friends around the world. Ali x #17

Christine said...

Just love your take on those hints . . . stripes . . . cracked me up!!! Very clever.
Have a good week
Christine #18

Annie said...

Really glad to hear your voice is holding out...just make sure you rest when you can.
Annie x #6

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, glad to hear your voice is holding up - hopefully it will keep going to the holidays. Mine keeps disappearing for a while then it comes back again but I know it's asthma that's my problem. Enjoying your drawings still though I know I'd be at a loss to think of an image for some of the words. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x#16

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings, I admire your discipline with your drawings. Happy WOYWW Angela #15

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hopefully the whole better and better thing continues Sarah, esp. with the holidays approaching. I love how your brain works with these sketches too :) ~Stacy #20

Lindart said...

I love that 3-D effect with the stripes, Sarah! Glad things are going well. I remember when I was teaching what a rush it was to get Christmas done in the few days we had before Christmas. It all depended on which day of the week Christmas Eve fell on as to how much time we would have! Hope it's easier for you! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #19

BJ said...

Oh the stripes on the hand are really effective, so 3D. BJ#8

Spyder said...

Stripes is the most oddest one I think so far! Never would have thought of that! Stay Safe, keep crafting. Happy very late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#13