Wednesday, 15 July 2020

WOYWW 580: Last Week of the School Year

Hooray, for this time next week I will be on holiday from school and sharing my weekly desk photos in a state of relaxation.  Today is the start of my last three days in school for this academic year.  If you'd like to see more desks then please visit Julia's Stamping Ground, where she keeps all the links to and details of WOYWW.
My desk is totally staged.  I can't show you anything of what I was working on for the last two days as they are embargoed until the shows on 25th July.  The last thing I did that I can share are the last four tags in my Quarantine Quickie journal, which is now on its third book ring as the first two are full.  So far this one runs from #73 up to #82, so I only have 18 more to make to complete the 100. 
I can't remember if I have shared my little gallery before, which sits on the shelf behind me.  These are all gifts from crafters that I treasure.  I shall be round for some early morning visiting tomorrow and Friday as I will be up early for work anyway.  A last shout out of the year to Y7 and Y8.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW everyone. 


Helen said...

great tags Sarah. enjoy the last couple of days at school and then your holidays! (think we're week 580 today.....) Helen #?

Neet said...

Love your little Gallery Sarah, and I take my hat off to you for your tag accomplishment - wow almost 100!
How good to be nearing the end of term, it seems a real surprise to me but I guess I don't realise we are in July. Blame it on Covid!
Hugs, Neet xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Hi Sarah - I am sure you will be #1 when Julia puts up 580!! Love your quarantine quickie tags - a great idea. I am more into ATCs and ATCoins at the moment but maybe tags will be the next thing...
Happy woyww! Happy holidays!
Stay Safe and keep well!
Susan #? too!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lol at the term Quarantine Quickie!! Great tags though and keeping them on a ring is a great idea. Linked you up, you're no 5
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Aha #5, Susan #15!

sandra de said...

Nice collection of tags and little gallery corner as well. Enjoy your time off while you are on holidays. Stay safe and keep creating.
Sandra de @9

Alison59 said...

Enjoy the hols Sarah :-)

My name is Cindy said...

Love the tags they look bright and funky! Wow, can't believe it's got to the end of term and this nonsense is still going on... definitely in for the long haul! I love my own 'gallery' of bits n bobs, gives me great pleasure to look at! Hope you are going to make the most of your summer break. Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy #11

Lisa-Jane said...

Gifts from other crafters are so special aren't they? I particularly like the framed art work. I hope the last few days of school go well - it seems to have so quickly since the lock down. I've got one finishing at lunchtime on Friday (last day of primary... sob) and the older one finishing middle of next week. Have a fabulous week, Lisa-Jane #2

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, love the little gallery!And thats a fab selection of tags, gorgeous. I can imagine you are looking forward to some relaxation after this particular school year. Stay Safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

Shoshi said...

Lovely collection of tags, Sarah! I love your little gallery too. I've got one in my studio as well, and I really treasure the beautiful things that various crafting friends have made for me.

Thank you for visiting and you are right about Ruby and the boxes! My hubby and I are both benefiting from the whole-food plant-based lifestyle - my weight is no longer a problem and I eat as much as I like which is bliss! I also feel as if I have more energy and fewer bad days with my ME than in the past. My cholesterol was slightly elevated at the last test and I shall be interested to see if there's any change next time they test it.

Meows duly passed on to the kitties, both of whom were asleep on the bed all morning, but Lily has just deigned to come and sit with me now. Ruby is hiding behind the fridge as usual on a Wednesday afternoon because she is terrified of my cleaning lady and her monster vacuum cleaner lol!! By next week I hope to have made a start on the tiny carpets embroideries - I can't wait to get started now!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #8

Sue Jones said...

Lovely tags:) . I went back to school for the last week - Very strange. I don't teach so it was quite lonely not seeing the pupils. Ours are in from 9 - 12 with no break, so the only was i can talk to them is via Email or telephone. Lots of changes to how we do things in September. Enjoy your well earned break , you must be worn out!
Have a great last week . Soojay #22

Caro said...

Love your tags. We are counting down to Friday too - Alex finishes then as well. Sadly I work throughout the summer apart from my annual leave. Love your tags and the gallery. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#1)

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Sarah, I'm looking forward to the school holidays as much as you are! Super tags - you must have quite a collection now. Love your little gallery too - makes me want to make another Tiny House! Hang in there and see you soon! xx zsuzsa #10

Anne said...

Just saying hello. Not joining in this week as nothing on my desk :-( Hopefully back crafting soon. Anne x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, enjoy the last few days at school and lets hope for some sort of normality for the next school year. Wishing you a great week and a happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

StampinCarol said...

Love all your tags! Each one so different!
And your gallery is wonderful, great memories!
Have a great week!
Carol N #24

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Well done on near completion of those 100 tags, that's some achievement.
Bet you can't wait to finish the school year, this one has been extremely challenging, here's to lots of crafty times where you can just switch off from it all. Hugs Tracey xx
P.S Lovely gift display, crafty friends are the best!!

Marit said...

When you read this, you probably have just one workday left and then you will have a well-deserved rest, enjoy that first weekend (and the following weeks!) I love the tags on your table, so colourful! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, big hug from Holland. Marit #20

craftyani said...

Love your tags. Enjoy your break from school work and hopefully you will be refreshed for September. Ani #6

pearshapedcrafting said...

Enjoy your Summer break! I remember those end of year feelings so well! Love the tags, what a great idea! My eyes are drawn to your washi storage!!! Hugs, Chrisx 30

Cardarian said...

Hi Sarah!
Sorry I am so late commenting! You have been very productive lately! Thank you for the tip on Easel cards! I will make more but they won't be regular thing!
Have a lovely week!
Love and hugs,

BJ said...

I'm woefully late, I'm so sorry, don't seem to have gotten around to even putting the computer on till today!!
Loving your QQJ especially as I have seen some of them on your more recent pages LOL. Super gallery of special things too.
Tail between legs, BJ#21