Wednesday, 7 November 2018

WOYWW 492: Wow, What a Week

Well the last week has certainly been a spectacular one.  My news this week is definitely happier than last week's.  First of all I checked my email on Wednesday to find out that I had won the place on the Book of Days course next year that Marit Barentsen aka Marit's Paper World is guest tutoring with.  Thank you so much again Marit!  On Thursday I popped up to Stockport for the monthly get together and gave Lou my spare ticket for the NEC.  We managed to persuade Jane to come with us so Friday was our road trip to the craft show at the NEC (more details HERE).  It was a great day out,  but the best bit as some of you have already seen on FB, was being asked to join the Clarity DT for stamps and stencils.   I had great difficulty keeping the news secret, but it's out in the open now and my first samples will be for the January 2019 shows, as there is a little paper work to fill in first and I also need to get up to speed with the DT Handbook.

And so to the reason you are visiting, my desk and its contents, ready to join in with WOYWW.  Please pop over to The Stamping Ground if you'd like to see more desks or link up your own.  Julia will make you very welcome.  My photo today shows the ingredients for my eldest son's birthday card for tomorrow.  I was just getting everything together ready to get started.  Eva is not due until tomorrow, so my second photo is the stash that I got from the NEC and from Clarity's TV shows, the stamps which arrived on Thursday and the dies which were waiting for me when I got back on Friday.
I treated myself to the last set of Oxides and from the Clarity stand at the NEC some of the mini word chains and next year's calendar.  It will be bread and water for a while, but I've had lots of fun with my new stash since, so I can't complain.  Happy, happy WOYWW everyone.

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