Thursday, 13 July 2017

Art Journal Prompts Week 28: Rework an Old Page

I struggled with this page for Art Journal Prompts to start with as I didn't have an art journal page to rework.  Then the suggestion was made to use a drop sheet or mop up sheet as a starting point.  When I looked through my stash I found a failed Gelato background and a gelli plate clean up  sheet from a previous art journal page and had the idea to use the two together.   Together, I love them, but I didn't really like either of them on their own.

The Gelato back ground was an attempt to create a 'blown' background.  I had scribbled Gelatos all over a piece of 19cm x 19cm Sheena's stamping card, wet them and then used a straw to move the colours around.  Unfortunately, all that I ended up with was a muddy mess.  My next attempt saw me use one colour at a time before adding the next and was far more successful, however I had hung onto my failure and now cut it down to 19cm x 18cm to fit in my art journal leaving a narrow border all round the page.
The gelli plate clean up sheet was from a previous art journal page for another group and used the Town Super Stencil by Claritystamp on the large 11" x 8" gelli plate and Adirondack paint daubers.  Although I love the stencil and my original journal page, I wasn't as keen on the colour combination on a clean up sheet and it has been sitting on my reject pile for the last five months. 
Original journal page
 I decided to simply glue the clean up sheet over the colourful background to see what the result would be.  I absolutely loved the effect and trimmed then wrapped the excess round the back of the coloured panel.  I sealed the front with Distress Collage medium so that I would be able to use my Faber-Castell Big Brush Markers for shading and blending.

I wanted to keep the reworked page very simple and used four of the Teenie Weenie stamps from the Grove Trees Outline set by Claritystamp to add the figures to the scene.  I stamped them in Espresso Brown Archival ink.  I also have the slightly larger versions of each of these stamps, but the smaller versions were more in proportion for the stencilled background.
Once everything was dry, I added some shading below the figures on the ground, using the Dark Sepia Big Brush marker blended out with my fingers.  I felt it needed a border of some sort, so added more of the same pen around all four edges to give a vignette effect to finish.

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