Wednesday, 6 December 2023

WOYWW 757: New Battery

Once again the week has flown by and it is time to join in once more with Julia at Stamping Ground and WOYWW.

Mum, my sister and I attended one of the annual Christmas services of remembrance hosted by the funeral directors who took such great care of Dad.  There was a colliery brass band, the D-Day Darlings, lots of poems, singing and lighting of candles as well as a full roll call of all the people that they had cared for in 2023.  We each received a goody bag and the idea is that the candle is lit on Christmas day in memory of our loved ones.  A beautiful service but we were all a blubbering mess by the end.

The prompts I am using for December are proving a challenge but I am determined to get to the finish line.
The engine light came back on last Friday on my way home so I followed the advice given - parked and turned the engine off for a minute or two then drove home.  I had a new battery fitted yesterday so hopefully that will help resolve the situation of I will need to book the car in to have the injectors adjusted/replaced.
I can't believe it is December already and will be less than three weeks until the holidays begin.  Happy WOYWW everyone.



Helen said...

The service sounds a wonderful caring thing to do, what a lovely idea. Hope the new battery is ok and you don't have any more issues with the car. Happy WOYWW Helen #?!

Neet said...

It will be the end of the month before we know it - time passes too quickly these days.
We once went to something similar to the service you attended, very caring of the funeral directors in your case.
Here's to the new battery for Christmas and keep up the drawings, nearly there.
Hugs, Neet xx

Twiglet said...

What a lovely service and the effect on you all is sad but helps with the grieving and good for you to be together. I hope you can get your car sorted we just need them to be reliable dont we. Good luck with the build up to Christmas. x x Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

I think your interpretation of the prompts has always been spot on, but I think if they become too hard it would be a bit off putting. I also think you three were very brave to go to the Funeral Director's service...I've chickened out over two Christmases now, I know they are done beautifully but I'm not sure I'd be coping with everyone else's grief as well as my own, too snotty! It is though, a really nice way to include your Dad in the day to day of this season, no doubt about it. Really hope the new battery sees it all sorted, specially as I don't want to think of you having to star and stop in bad weather! Have a good week, the roll on to the holidays probably can't roll fast enough now!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like a lovely service, that's so kind of the company to organise it. Loving the new journal pages, I'm always so impressed that you keep it up. Happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

My name is Cindy said...

The service sounds a great idea but I can well understand being a blubbering mess by the end of it. It was 2 years on Monday since we lost Mum, I miss her dreadfully. Hope you get your car sorted soon, it has been giving you a hard time and you want to be able to rely on it in this weather. Great drawings as always. Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #12

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I bet the service was wonderful, I’d have been sobbing with you, sending hugs xx. Hope the car problems get sorted, it’s worrying when these little faults keep popping up.
Hugs LLJ 9 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

The remembrance service sounds a lovely idea and the goodie bag a wonderful touch. Well done to the Funeral company. I hope your car behaves itself! Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Christine said...

Such a sad occasion but how comforting to be able to blubber together . . . .
Pleased there has been some progress on the car problems, hope it continues till your car is in tip top condition.
Have a good week
Christine #16

Spyder said...

I was given a candle to burn by someone, the Liver or the Cancer people I think, but I still haven't used it. Still, it's not going anywhere so it'll be there when I feel I can light it. Hope you have a great and crafty week. Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#18

Spyder said...

Sorry Thought I'd been! I sorted out my MOT yeserday, that comes round sooo fast. And I did a deal, because they'd chaged my for something that should have been in the car when we bought it, but wasn't and we had to pay for it, they've let my have the vans MOT and service for free, so I can't grumble I suppose! There was a service at our local church when my mum passed. I remember it was very busy and the church was full to bursting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#18

Lindart said...

I've never heard of a funeral home doing that before, what a wonderful idea. I think it's a great idea to light a candle on Christmas for missing loved ones. My favourite drawing this week is Silhouette. We have been seeing hundreds of these birds flying in groups, murmurations its called, all to land side by side on the overhead wires. A lovely sight to see! Lindart #19

Lynnecrafts said...

That service sounded beautiful, Sarah. I always like to see your daily drawings.
We’re having an engine light coming on in our car at present. Very uninformative alarm, saying ‘Engine fault, have your car repaired. The garage has run diagnostics and says it’s a anti-emissions product that needs filling up. It’s going in next Monday.
Take care, and have a good week
Lynnecrafts 13 xx