Wednesday, 6 September 2023

WOYWW 744: Back To Work

As Wednesdays seem to fly by and we are into September already, I am sharing my first desk of the new school year with Julia and WOYWW at Stamping Ground as usual.  Sorry time got away from me last week and I didn't get a chance to visit.  We had a family get together last Saturday to celebrate my brother's 50th birthday and it was also a working tea as we finalised the photos for the order of service for Dad's funeral on Monday.  Later on #2 son sorted the memorial slide show while we were on a zoom call together and everything has now been received by the funeral directors.

Some of you will have already seen the boots on the right on FB that Hubby bought me as an extra birthday present.  Having tried wearing them for a day and assessing their comfort I went back and bought myself the boots on the left to wear at work.

We had a lovely couple of days in Llandudno last week staying at the Premier Inn one road back from the promenade and on the main shopping street.
I managed to keep up with my daily drawings while we were away too.
Back at work this week.  Today the students will be back after two days of INSET (in service training).  I managed to get an awful lot done on Monday and only have seating plans to finalise.  
I promise to do better with my visits this week.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

both pairs of boots are gorgeous, I am glad they're comfortable. Well done for sorting all the details for your Dad's funeral, and for getting the term ahead planned! Hope the first day back with students goes ok (and that your school isn't one affected by the RAAC problems) Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You don't seem to get very long off from work. Teachers in the states usually get over 2 months and close to three. Seems like you just left and now you're back at work.

WOW on those boots. Both pairs!! Nicely done on your daily drawings. I really like cast and sew. Happy WOYWW from # 5.

Christine said...

Love, love those boots! such stunners! Enjoy them.
Can't believe the summer hols are over, it doesn't seem any time but I suppose half term will be here before we can turn round!
Take care
Christine #16

Neet said...

Happy Days (back at school) - sorry, I dreaded that day way back.
Love the boots, both pairs, can understand the left hand ones being the ones you will wear at school.
Thinking of you on Monday.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you’re managing to spend some nice time away and drawing during such a sad time. Hope your school isn’t affected by the dodgy concrete.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 2 x

Annie said...

I'm running very late today but at least I've made it :-)
I love both the pair of boots. I hope all goes well on Monday.
Annie x # 11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Late today but here now. Hope the new term gets off to a good start. Those boots must be comfy if you had to buy another pair, love the heals too. Sending happy woyww wishes, Angela x15x

Crafting With Jack said...

Wow! What amazing boots and comfort - such a bonus too. I hope all goes smoothly on Monday, it is a sad occasion for you and your family. Hugs Angela #3

Kelly said...

Good morning, Sarah
Those boots are fab!
Hugs again on your father's passing. I know the beginning of this month is piled with stuff to be done. You are doing great in getting things in order across the board. Love the drawings. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #19

Lindart said...

Those boots are FAB! Gorgeous! I would probably kill myself on those heels though! It must have been hard to celebrate a birthday, and work on a funeral at the same time. I am sorry for your loss, losing a parent is always difficult. Your drawings are wonderful as usual - I relate to the cast, as I had one on my ankle as a child. But I don't think they make those white ones that you can write on anymore, so sad! That was the best part of having a cast! Have a great year at school, thanks for your visit, Lindart #20

Anne said...

Sarah I'm sorry I'm late. A combination of the events of last month and feeling unwell has taken its toll. I'm glad everything is sorted for your father's funeral. My heart goes out to you all. I am sending love and hugs. Xxx

My name is Cindy said...

Oh those boots are super cute!! Glad you had a nice break before going back to work. Great drawings as always. Hope you have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx #17

Tracy said...

I'm so sorry I'm so late Sarah πŸ’• how my heart aches for you, wrapping you up in much love and light as I type,your much loved Dad ⭐️ will be so proud of you all, right by your side he will be even now. Will be thinking of you all on Monday, so glad that you have everything sorted now to celebrate your Dad ⭐️
Toooo those gorgeous boots 🀩 how special they both are πŸ₯° enjoy wearing them! Llandudno looks beautiful,we love Wales and should be heading to our favourite spot in Llangranog next month 🀞What a fabulous collection of drawings you must have now Sarah ⭐️ are you doing them in a sketch book or are they loose ... imagining the pile you have now πŸ₯°πŸ€©πŸ˜˜ Thank you so much for visiting and for your lovely words . Much love and hugs Tracy #10 xxx

BJ said...

Oh my goodness, got a bit involved with the end of the acrylics course and seem to have signed up for a watercolour one too (wed-fri) and what with the heat and not sleeping even worse that usual, I'm only just emerging form all the stuff and the dust is settling.

Can't believe it is back to school time already, had hoped it would be cooler by now, but no! I'm glad you have sorted all the stuff for the funeral and I hope Monday goes as well as it can. Loving the boots, if my feet were normal shape I'd love a pair too, but sadly no.

Hugs BJ#6

Julia Dunnit said...

You know I live the boots. I also think that visiting isn’t an issue Sarah. I will be thinking of you on Monday, am glad that the planning has been a family thing. So much easier for you all and especially your Mum.