Wednesday, 5 February 2025

WOYWW 818/38: Felting Ahead

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks which is WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday), the brainchild of Julia, who was kindly entrusted it to me to continue after 15 years of togetherness.  Please feel free to link up your desk and visit others' - we are a friendly bunch.

And so February arrives, and with it my latest goodies from Clarity.  I have made samples with other stamps and stencils in this collection, but they were split into smaller bundles for shows and I couldn't resist buying the ones I don't have.

My #dailyart2025 drawings have been mainly cartoonlike and whimsical for the last week.

I am looking forward to my needle felting class with Tilly Tea Dance on Saturday.  I am going with a former school friend this time and we will be creating a toadstool picture. That seems to link in well with what BJ and Angela (Felix the Crafty Cat) have been up to recently too. I am also looking forward to catching up with Jo (Twiglet).

Meeting after school this evening as usual, so will catch up with everyone in the morning if I don't visit before I leave for work.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


BJ said...

Good morning Sarah, The rewards of not sleeping, I get #1 again! So excited I didn't even capitalise my initials! Ho Hum! Loving your "evolution" very inventive (mind the pun) and "once upon a time" very whimsical, gorgeous "serenity".

But the most exciting thing is your Saturday class, whoop whoop. It was Angela's mushroom which got me interested initially and it was actually the same online class I joined up to so we're on the same FB group as she signed up a second time too. I made some more so they are on my post but you might well have seen them on FB beforehand. Give Jo a hug from me, so very special receiving the box of bits from her last year, I have made a poppy landscape from one so far.

Hope your meeting goes well, Hugs bj#1

Helen said...

Nice looking new supplies! I like the cartoon-like drawings this week. Enjoy the class with Tilly Tea Dance. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Chana Malkah said...

Hi, Sarah! Your drawings are cute! I think Fear of Flying is my favorite! Have fun in your class! Your new stamps/stencils look like they will be fun to work with!
I cannot believe I am up at 1:45 am. I will visit everyone when I wake up!

Annie said...

Fab new stash and I'm loving the latest drawings. Enjoy your class on Saturday.
Annie x

Twiglet said...

I think whimsical is a great way to go with your drawings - I love little monster. Looking forward to seeing you and your finished toadstools on Saturday 🍄🍄x x Jo 🌈

Twiglet said...

I think whimsical is a great way to go with your drawings - I love little monster. Looking forward to seeing you and your finished toadstools on Saturday 🍄🍄x x Jo 🌈

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, interesting collection of new stamps and look forward to seeing you use them. Loving the new drawings too. Hope you have a great day with Tilly and excited to see the mushroom. Happy woyww with hugs, Angela x12x

Paul B said...

Wow that's quite a stash haul! Should keep you creatively busy for a while :) Fabulous week of daily drawings - love the monster!!!! Enjoy your felting class this weekend xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How exciting that you’ve got another felting workshop, hope you have an amazing time and nice to see the girls too! Great sketches as usual, always interesting to see someone’s take on a prompt and wonder what I’d do.
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

A little later this week, but still around the same number. "Serenity" is well named and my favourite, but the others are great too/ Enjoy your new goodies, Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Kelly said...

Good morning, Sarah!
Of all the crafts my fingers have played with, felting is not one which has called to me. getting together with Tilly does, though! Have fun. ~ Kelly #14

Kelly said...

Good morning, Sarah!
Of all the crafts my fingers have played with, felting is not one which has called to me. getting together with Tilly does, though! Have fun. ~ Kelly #14

Lindart said...

Wow! Lots of new stamps and stencils! Looking forward to seeing what you will make with them! Great drawings this week, my favourite is Serenity. Your drawing looks very serene indeed! Have fun with your class - I know you will! Lindart #15

Lynnecrafts said...

I love seeing your daily paintings. Enjoy your felting class and your new supplies
Lynnecrafts 4 xx

Neet said...

Such a lovely week for you - starting off with a great shop to rival Helen and ending with a Tilly Class. I do like mushrooms so look forward to your felted picture.
Hugs, Neet 9 xx

Robyn said...

Try as I might, I cant love felting- needle slightly better than wet. I do love a drawing a day tho. I tell my kids, you wouldn't go to bed without your daily tooth brushing, dont go to bead without your daily creative brushing!

Mary Anne said...

That monster makes me smile. Enjoy your class - it sounds like fun and seeing Jo is the icing on the cake :D
Happy a bit late WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)