Wednesday, 16 November 2022

WOYWW 702: A Bit of a Slip

 Typing mostly one handed today as I join in with WOYWW thanks to injuring my left hand on Monday.  I managed to trip over the top step going into school and landed on my left hand with two fingers bent right back.  Luckily when I had it checked out at the walk in centre (thanks to hubby picking me up), there were no broken bones but soft tissue damage, swelling and pain.  I managed to get my wedding ring off with some difficulty so managed to avoid having it cut off.

My desk shows what I will be using for the next lot of #dailychallenge2022 pages in my kraft journal. 

I will be back in work today having been to collect my car yesterday evening.  Probably not doing much marking for the next week until things are a little less painful as it is of course my writing hand that I damaged.
Please join in over at Stamping Ground where Julia hosts What's On Your Workdesk, Wednesday each week.  Stay safe everyone.


Helen said...

Oh that does sound nasty - must have been quite a tumble you took. At least nothing was broken. Well done for managing to keep up with the daily pages! Take care. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Neet said...

Loving hat the daily pages are Christmas themed, ideas can be taken for cards I guess.
Sorry about the trip - ouch! Hard work marking!
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

My name is Cindy said...

Oh dear Sarah, so sorry to hear you had a fall - it's quite scary how one minute you can just be going about your day and the next.... well thankfully nothing broken but tissue damage and swelling can be pretty inconvenient as well!! What a truper you are to be able to keep crafting. Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #6

Magic Maggie said...

Blimey - hope you are feeling right (no pun intended) again soon.
Love (lots of!)
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased things it wasn't too serious but do make sure you give it plenty of time to get better, the marking can wait Lol! Any wxcuse not to do it I say! Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ow that sounds painful, falling just unsettles everything deosn’t it? What a pain it’s your main hand too but thank goodness nothing’s broken, small mercies. Lovely artwork as usual!
HUgs LLJ 7 xxx

Christine said...

So pleased to hear you're feeling a bit better . . . . have you tried Arnica gel or tablets. It takes a lot of the swelling and bruising away and is a natural ingredient.... bit late now I suppose . .
Pleased that you can manage to keep up your journals.
Christine #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Ouch! That does sound painful- are you icing it? Arnica can help the swelling go down as well, as long as you don’t take blood thinners.
Your journal pages are lovely and your new images look Edwardian or even Victorian.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 15

Crafting With Jack said...

Great pages, but I do love that last page! I was saying ouch to myself as I read about your poor fingers. Sending hugs and hoping those fingers improve soon. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Annie said...

I'm chasing my tail again...and my workload has just increased!!! I'm taking a well earned break.
I expected a photo at the very least....really hope your fingers heal fast for you....take care.
Annie x # 8

BJ said...

Ouch, that's not great is it, glad hubby was on hand to collect you and that you were able to collect car eventually. Hope you get better very soon. Super pages, it's getting all Christmassy and I don't feel ready for the season at all. BJ#16

Tracy said...

Ouch Sarah 🤗 that will be painful,glad nothings broken though ... you take care, feel better soon. Your pages are a joy to see ... I'm in loooove with the last one ... words so true 🤗 Thank you so much for stopping by ... Sending much love and the gentlest of hugs Tracy #14 xxx

Elizabeth said...

That sounds so painful and so much worse that it's your writing hand. Glad your hubby was able to take you for treatment. Hope you don't have to suffer too long. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #18

Lindart said...

Ouch!!!! I hope you heal quickly, thankfully nothing broken, but OUCH!! I have tripped over the top step of our basement stairs - twice - both times holding a full tray of dishes! Luckily nothing broken except my ego. Your journal pages are lovely, I see we are going into winter now! I love the wolf page. Heal quickly! Lindart #19

Susan Renshaw said...

Sorry to hear about your hand - hope it heals quickly!
Great pages...
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

Kyla said...

ooh painful, hope its starting to feel a little better now and fair play for keeping up with the journal too, impressive