Wednesday, 26 August 2020

WOYWW 586: My Storage is Breeding

Firstly, apologies for not visiting many desks last week, by the time we got back from our last minute short break last Friday I had a large number of samples to make ready for posting today.  I also cannot comment on Wordpress blog posts - sorry.
My desk this week shows a lovely array of hand made birthday cards that I received at the weekend.  The large one at the back was from Eva and is a beautiful craft themed Groovi card.  Thank you to everyone who took the time and trouble to send a card and for all the lovely birthday wishes.
Eva made it over for our last play date of the holidays yesterday afternoon - as you can see she brought more home made chocolate chip cookies and her Groovi stuff.
Look who else I caught up with last week.  Julia (keeper of desks and organiser of all things WOYWW related) kindly did some last minute gallivanting and met up with my hubby and me near to Salisbury where we had been for the day last Wednesday (most appropriate).  We were glad to get out of the rain, although Stonehenge was particularly quiet when we visited earlier that day.
On Thursday we spent the day in Bristol, where the weather was the complete opposite of the previous day. 
We headed for home on Friday, calling at IKEA where hubby bought me some additional storage for the shed as my birthday gift.

The extra DVD storage unit and trolley have made a big difference to the state of tidiness in the shed.  All my loose stamp sets have now been arranged and labelled in the extra unit and the wall hanging unit which was difficult to get into has been removed and replaced with the extra trolley.  I will be extra good visiting this week to make up for last!!! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

What a great way to spend an unexpected trip - you and Julia together looking good! Not been to Stonehenge for years, other than driving past on the A303, lol! Your new storage is looking fab and so are all those birthday cards! Helen #1

Julia Dunnit said...

Well it was a nice way to finish my day Sarah, seeing you and meeting Paul, thanks for the needed cuppa! Love that you got new storage and its instantly filled - I presume that you’d pre-decided that you were going to buy this type of unit? It makes everything very easy to locate doesn’t it. So glad you had a bright day in Bristol, much needed drying out and me not having to stress over thinking of you getting wet feet!

Sue said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sarah. Looks like you celebrated in style. Your craft shed looks heavenly now🤗

Susan Renshaw said...

All that new storage will make such a difference!
Good to see all the photos of your trip and meet-ups!
Happy WOYWW! Stay safe and keep well. Susan #9

Diana Taylor said...

Happy belated birthday Sarah, looks like you had a great time - what a lovely photo of you and Julia. The storage is fab and you look wonderfully organised now - I love those trolleys, I just wish I had the floor space for them.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #15

Sue said...

Great to see Eva back, and with cookies🤗 Happy belated birthday. It sounds like you celebrated in style. Lovely cards too. Birthday hugs, Sue#17

Sue said...

Soss Sarah, I didn't think my messages had got through & then there they were.🙈 Promise to leave you alone now before you think I'm stalking you.🙃 Sue#17

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a lovely birthday you had - the trip looked great. I miss Salisbury, used to do all my shopping there. I'm jealous you got to see Julia though, I miss my bestie!! Lovely to see Eva - any cookies left over?
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

My name is Cindy said...

Happy belated birthday! What fun to meet up with Julia, you both look very well in that photo. Loving the storage - who doesn't? I truly think sometimes Ilike organising my craft stash as much as I do using it. Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #14

Annie said...

Lovely to see Eva managed to join you and how lovely to catch up with Julia. Good to hear you were well and truly spoilt for your it should be.
Annie x #10

Shoshi said...

Belated happy birthday, Sarah, and a great gift from hubby! So glad you got a nice day out and also that Eva is back on the fixture list again! You must have missed crafting together for so long. Good to get together with Julia too.

Thank you for your visit and I smiled at "ruined rotten" - that just about sums up our kitties!! Last night my hubby and I said at the same moment, "What a life they live!" Queen Ruby thanks you graciously for the meows to her and her sister Princess Lily!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #8

Neet said...

I would not have known that was our Julia had you not said so. She looks so different with her longer hair. I like it.
Lovely array of birthday cards, lucky girl!
Glad you had a nice holiday, it must have been good to get out and about like that and what a way to finish it - with extra storage - wow, three trolleys. Lucky you.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What a fun filled post, Sarah! Lovely cards and companions - you seem to be taking full advantage of the holidays! I recognised the Bristol view only after reading your narrative. That looks like the SS Great Britain in the background! We used to hang around Bristol before we moved - now it's too far away to visit, though my husband still works there - 110-mile round trip for him - lucky he can work from home until next year at least. I've spotted the mug that says "Don't make me use my teacher's voice" LOL! Happy belated birthday - storage units are always welcome birthday presents! Enjoy the last week of the holidays - they went so quickly! Thanks for your visit earlier! zsuzsa #20

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, glad you had a lovely birthday.We've not visited Stonehenge for a few years, the last time we went was one of the Summer Solstices.
Fab storage, IKEA is my goto for craft room storage too.NIce to see Eva, and what an awesome selection of birthday cards! Lovely you got to catch up with Julia, what would we do without her!Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #3 X.

Marit said...

Sounds (and looks) like a marvelous week Sarah, filled with creativity, love, laughter, presents and a lovely trip. Stonehenge looks indeed deserted, I once visited the place and it took me ages to find an angle to photograph it without other people on the photo (and I didn't manage...) Have a great week and a good start of the working life again (school starts next week I presume?) Hug froom HOlland, Marit #18

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, I like your new storage. Very nice. I'm still working on the stamp storage system which I started after seeing yours. I could be some time though as I didn't realise just how many stamps I'd amassed over the years. Maybe the time has come to thin them out. So nice that you got to meet up with Julia while you were on holiday - just a pity the weather has been so foul recently. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like you've had a great birthday and the visit to Ikea must have been the icing on the cake, Have a great week and a very happy Woyww, Angela x12x

Karen said...

It's great to see how everyone organizes their stash ~ I like your new ikea shelf. Enjoy the rest of the week ~

StampinCarol said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had some great times with Eva and Julia! Your new storage looks great!
Have a great week!
Carol N #23

Kathryn Frantz said...

What a lovely holiday! Don’t you just love Julia? She is such a hoot!
The snapshots share your beautiful landscapes! Thank you for sharing these!
And to top it off, “IKEA”! I’ve only been to one twice but I was like a kid in a candy store both times!

No post from me this week. We have a leak in the basement that we are trying to locate. Ugg! Moving everything and ripping up carpet! And haven’t found the leak yet and I’m exhausted!,

Happy Wednesday,


Robyn said...

How lovely a visit with Standing stones and Julia! Not being able to leave comments is a pain- We know you are visiting! thanks! Robyn 2

Caro said...

What a lovely outing you had - so many nice things about it, with the most special being meeting Julia. That is a lovely photo of you both. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love and God Bless, Caro xx (#11)

okienurse said...

Lots of awesome birthday cards! It looks like you had a fun trip too! I love those IKEA storage carts and have a few myself. There are times I just don't feel like paint so it is rolled into the corner and the card stash comes out! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #30

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW and Happy Belated Birthday. It is always wonderful to get new storage and instantly get it in use. I must sort out my card stock now I can use my hands properly. Bought a unit for it a while ago. Lovely photos. We could do with a holiday. Perhaps next month. Ali x. #30

Crafting With Jack said...

Glad you had a great birthday and sounds like you had a great trip out too. Happy WOYWW x Angela #29

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Lovely desky share sorry I’m late... again... 😁 and also happy belated birthday greetings Sarah from Downunder. Lovely lot of cards and Evas is wonderful Groovi work love that you saw Julia and great pressie in the storage. Ciever plus!
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, oh YAY that is so fun to see your smiling faces and the storage looks awesome. there is totally something to be said about being able to find what you are looking for fairly painlessly ( to me anyways) :) the Stonehenge shot looks awesome. Glad you got to do something fun for your birthday too. ~Stacy #24

Lindart said...

I'm very late this week! Better late than never I guess! It sounds like you had the perfect birthday! And if I didn't know there was a Pandemic going on, I would think everything was "normal" in your part of the globe! Have fun in your shed! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #24

Lillianb said...

What a lovely hubby to buy you more storage, and Loving the cards.
Thank you for you visit to me blog,

Lilian B

Lillianb said...

Thank you for your visit to my blog, Love the pictures of the HMS great Britain. and stoneHenge I live near Bristol and have been round the ship she is impressive thats for sure, What great cards,

Lilian b