Morning and welcome to the ever more quickly arriving weekly desk share with WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday). #3 son is due back off his night shift at the care home shortly and will be straight in the shower as soon as his clothes are in the wash. There are now four confirmed cases of Covid 19 at the home (isolated away from the ward where he works) and he is having his temperature taken at regular intervals while at work.
I admit that my desk is totally staged this morning. I can't show you what I am currently working on as they are samples for some shows next week, which need posting later today. Instead I am sharing an art journal page that I made yesterday and all my quarantine quickie tags following the prompts over on Mission Inspiration. Those of you who guessed fairies last week were totally correct.
This is the finished tag from last week's desk (#3). As you can see, I have now completed up to #14 and will be working on the next prompts tomorrow once the samples have been posted. I have been having great fun with these tags and will use a book ring to make them into a journal once they are all complete.
The pollen count is high at the moment and I have to work in the shed with the window shut as the cherry blossom is in full bloom. I will be round to visit as soon as I can this week. Next week it may be later as the holidays will be over and I will be working from home again. Thanks Julia for keeping us all linked up via The Stamping Ground. Happy WOYWW and a shout out to my Y8 pupils as promised!
I admit that my desk is totally staged this morning. I can't show you what I am currently working on as they are samples for some shows next week, which need posting later today. Instead I am sharing an art journal page that I made yesterday and all my quarantine quickie tags following the prompts over on Mission Inspiration. Those of you who guessed fairies last week were totally correct.
This is the finished tag from last week's desk (#3). As you can see, I have now completed up to #14 and will be working on the next prompts tomorrow once the samples have been posted. I have been having great fun with these tags and will use a book ring to make them into a journal once they are all complete.
What a gorgeous array of tags Sarah. I love the one with the many hats - sounds a bit like a few WOYWW'ers who have so much going on (juggling hats).
It must be a worry for you having a son working in a care home, I do hope he keeps safe through all of this. The plight of so many of them has been highlighted in the news the past day or so but I think many of us already thought of it happening. They have my prayers, as do so many.
Stay safe and well
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
Morning Sarah. You must be so concerned for your son, working there in the care home. He is doing a fantastic job. Trust he stays safe. You have been having lots of fun with those tags - they are great - well done. Hope the samples all come together for you.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #6
Beautiful tags, Sarah - you certainly have been busy! Thank you for sharing the beautiful cherry blossom photo too. Sorry it causes you hay fever! I shall miss seeing the blossoms in real life this year unless the lockdown ends soon. Well done, your son, with his valiant work, and may he stay safe and well as he continues with his care work. Very worrying that there are now 4 confirmed cases where he works. It sounds as if he is doing the right thing with a total wash of himself and his clothes at the end of each shift, and I hope and pray that you will remain safe too.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #1
Vinegar sandwiches !!! That beats my raw sausages any day Sarah hahaha
Thanks for popping by my daft blog post
Stay safe and keep crafting
Lynn xx
Great page and just love the tags, That cherry blossom looks lovely but not good for hay fever
Lilian B # 8
Your tags are just gorgeous, and they will look fabulous as a little journal book. I love the peas in a pod one, it reminds me of book plates in an Art Nouveau style - I think the colours are fab too.
It must be a big worry for you having your son work in a care home - I hope he stays safe, it sounds like they are keeping a close eye on their staff which is good.
What a beautiful picture of the cherry blossom - like you I get hayfever but it's a wonderful sight through the window for you.
Have a great week,
Diana x #16
Beautiful pictures of the cherry blossom and so sorry to hear that it gives you hay fever. Looks like you have a good plan to deal with you son's work clothes .... one can never be too careful and I pray he stays well. Gorgeous tags as always a beautiful variety. Stay safe.
Sandra de @10
What a great job your son is doing, respect to him - the news from the care homes nationally is appalling, poor old folk, it seems that the gov has just forgotten about them and the staff are doing an amazing job in terrifying circumstances.
I'm glad your crafting is going well, shame you have to keep the window closed cos of that cherry tree but the pollen count is so high at the moment.
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx
Hi Sarah, it must be very worrying for you with your son working there, but what a hero for doing such a vital job. Love all the tags, so vibrant, and all so different. Love the cherry tree pic, I guess you too get hay fever from tree blossom pollen. Have a good week, Stay safe, Love & hugs, Shaz #8 X
Lovely selection of tags there - I meant to check that out last week, not that I need much inspiration got so many projects on the go!! Kudos to your son for doing such an essential job - but must be worrying for you. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #12
Scary times- Hope your son is getting enough rest- shame that the hardest workers are the lowest pain :( sending my love and thanks- I worked in a care home when i was first married and remember it well . Love your tags they are stunning. Same about your cherry blossom - such a shame that it affects you.
Take care and keep safe Soojay#19
Love the tags, and the cherry blossom is enough to gladden any heart. hope your son has come home safely now and is all clean again. What a scary time for you. I am grabbing a few minutes lunch break ... need to get back to the grindstone lol! Helen #4
Such a worrying time to have your son working in such environment, these are scary times indeed. I'm glad to find you well and creating, I love all the tags! Enjoy your day and I keep my fingers crossed you all stay healthy and well. Love from Holland. Marit #21
Love your tags! what a variety! Beautiful Cherry blossom, sorry to hear that you suffer for it though.
Stay safe
Christine #22
Hi Sarah, it's a difficult time for everyone and things are never straight forward. You must be quite worried for your son but I'm sure you will both take the necessary precautions and that's all we can do. My parents are in their 90's and very rarely go out unless we take them so it's difficult for them to understand what's going on. My dad is very deaf so doesn't always hear the news so we've taken him a newspaper (not sure that's a good idea). As much as we would prefer to stay at home we really don't have any choice but to take them their shopping and stuff as the carers that visit don't do anything like that for them. We just make sure the visit is as short as possible which is best for us too as the journey is over an hour to get there. When your son is all clean again you can give him a big hug from me. Happy crafty woyww, Angela x17x
You must be concerned for your son, we have been praying for those in the NHS and working in care homes, but their families need our prayers too, it must be worrying for them. I like the different tags,but I'm interested in the book, it’s a good title “Feed My Soul”. I just had a quick look at Mission Statement, there is a picture of a blue cow I really like. Love Angela #24
Your tags are great! Quite a variety!
The cherry blossoms are beautiful but I can understand the pollen issue!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Carol N #27
Your tags are fantastic, and I love the picture of your cherry tree. Ours is only just beginning to bloom. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe! With love and God Bless, Caro x (#3)
HI Sarah, ooh the tree is looking gorgeous but, I hear you on the allergies. Love the idea of making a booklet out of all the tags too :) ~Stacy #30
Hi Sarah, thanks for your visit, and I'm glad you liked my mandalas. I thought they came out pretty well! I agree, Ruby looks adorable in her little house! She's purring on my hubby's lap at the moment while he reads his book.
Shoshi x
Stay well! Prayers for your household, too!
Your "bloomin' tree" is beautiful! Our apple tree is all frilly with white blossoms now, too! Also causes my head to pound!
Take care, be safe and Happy Wednesday!
Super tags all so different too, love the faeries as well.
Thanks for the visit BJ#20
Love the tags especially the Busy as a Bee one. Hope your son manages to stay safe in his job. It must be a very worrying time for your family. Ani #15
Beautiful cherry blossoms! Our crab apple tree is the first that we have to flower, and it's still a long way off. Your quarantine tags are a great project, are you writing any journaling about this time on the backs? I was right about the fairies! Always nice to be right about something. And it's a lovely tag! Stay busy, stay safe, Lindart #28
Good morning, Sarah
Blessings of safe-keeping to your son.
Lovely tags! Great idea turning them into a flip journal when you're finished.
I have to keep busy or I'd whither. ;-)
Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #26
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