Wednesday, 3 April 2019

WOYWW 513: Short and Speedy

Short and Speedy: the last week and my blog post today.  I spent yesterday morning finishing samples ready for the launch of some new stamps and stencils on Sunday afternoon (2pm-4pm on Hochanda if you are interested).
I can show you how I started my last sample as I used an older stamp set with the new ones, so can't get into trouble for this shot lol.  If you want to see how it turned out, you will have to wait until Sunday when I will share the step by step.
Eva and I managed a crafty session together last Thursday.  She was busy getting into the groove with parchment.  Exam season is starting now, so it is unlikely that we will manage another get together any time soon.
Please visit The Stamping Ground, where you will find out more about WOYWW and the annual crop which takes place this year in Shrewsbury on 1st June.  In 7 weeks this blog link up will be celebrating its 10th birthday! Thank you Julia and all my desking friends.


Helen said...

what a very pretty card! I've not used parchment since my very early forays into stamping and crafting; it has certainly developed a lot since then! Helen #3

Bridget Larsen said...

Cant wait to see the whole show. Looks very interesting
Bridget x 4

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, the parchment looks lovely, but I know I would not have the patience for it. I'll try and remember to watch Hochanda - if I ever figure out the new remote Mr M bought! Have a lovely week Heather x #14

Neet said...

Looks as if you both were busy doing your parchment crafting. Love the matching pink self heal mats.
Shame you won't be able to get together for a while now - busy busy busy with exams is something I certainly don't miss these days.
Enjoy your week.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Caro said...

Loving the soft swirling colours in the card, Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

My name is Cindy said...

Love the parchment effects and those papers are really pretty (Think I may have a similar, rather expensive, never used pack from clarity in my stash -oops) Happy WOYWW, Cindy #9

Julia Dunnit said...

Don’t thank me, it’s your participation that makes it work. Hey, does that make you a Desk Participle?! I’m admiring of how you think forward enough to take a desk shot that doesn’t reveal new stuff by accident, oh there’s a lot to being on a busy DT! I bought my first ever Clarity stamp last week....will show it when I can bring musefl to ink it!!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Thanks for your visit earlier today. I will be watching to see the results of all that secret work this week. Lovely parchment work on show. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #11

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, lovely card from Eva, totally sure I would not have the patience, despite admiring the actual skill. Must be a little frustrating for you not to be able to share stuff when you'd like! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 X

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I am always intrigued by parchment papers, just don't have the patience. Hope your Hochanda goes well. Always fun with new products. Happy WOYWW

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Lovely groovi work there by Eva and am sure yours are stunning too, Sarah...
... if can manage to pop back for a peek! Happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #13

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Christine said...

you're life has certainly taken a very interesting turn. Sound like you're enjoying it though. Love all the cards you are making.
Have a good week
Christine #23

Diana Taylor said...

I love the grasses and flowers image - very pretty work. Parchment is on my list of things to do one day - it's so lovely but it looks quite delicate and being quite clumsy I could see me making one small move and ruining a few hours of work quite easily!
Have a great week,
Diana x #17

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, ooh that is a cool stencil I like the tag shapes and that parchment card is gorgeous too. ~Stacy #27

Plush Possum Studio said...

Rose #26

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, I like the tag shapes and I am so impressed with your parchment work. I've never got into the groove but I'm sure Eva has taken to it like a duck to water. Have a good week despite those looming exams. Hugs, Elizabeth x #31

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm, glad you're enjoying your designer stuff - how long will you do it for? The parchment cards are so pretty, perfect for Springtime!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, loving your parchment cards. Have a lovely woyww, Angela x15x

StampinCarol said...

Very pretty card! And you are such a tease with us having to wait! LOL! Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #25

sandra de said...

The parchment pieces look so delicate and pretty. Nice to be back in woyww :)
Sandra de @19

Shoshi said...

Lovely parchment work, Sarah. I always admire it but wouldn't want to do it myself - too fiddly! I am sure you are looking forward to another session with Eve once the busy time is over. Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you could see the photos - yes, our girlies have grown soooo much and it's hard to believe they were so tiny once! I just can't resist that photo! Thank you for your good wishes for my hospital appointment next week.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #24

Lindart said...

Lovely card! Thanks your visit, have a great week, Lindart #29

Annie Claxton said...

Hi SArah, oooh I shall definitely try and remember to watch the show on Sunday, how exciting it must be to play with the new stamps before anyone else gets to see them :o) Have a lovely weekend! Annie C #12

Kelly said...

Pretty colors on the card. Very spring-like. Looking forward to the product reveal. Creative Blessings! Kelly #28