Wednesday, 2 January 2019

WOYWW 500: Starting as I mean to go on

Good morning, Happy New Year and welcome to my contribution to WOYWW 500, an amazing collaboration of desk sharing that goes back nearly 10 years now.  Led by Julia over on The Stamping Ground, we get together each Wednesday to share the high and low points of our creative spaces.  Thank you Julia!  This week has also seen an anniversary for me as my 900th blog post coincided with New year's Eve.
Having spent most of last weekend in bed with the flu, I decided that New Year's Day needed to be different, so got up early to finish an art journal page in my 2018 journal (see HERE).  I have two more pages to complete before the new prompt for 2019 comes out on Sunday and I am determined to get there.  You can see the blank page ready to complete my last festive page fro December before I go back and catch up with the last November prompt which needs finishing.  Unfortunately I also have school work to do before I go back to work next Monday so my hard drive is ready for updating with all the French lessons needed for the Spring Term.
Eva is away for Christmas so it will be next week before we get together again.  I have a workshop to get to on Saturday, so I need to make sure that everything is sorted for the weekend.  Please look out for Barbara Gray's shows on Hochanda on 6th January (2pm/3pm) as you may see my first ever samples as a member of the Clarity Design Team.  I am starting to feel a little nervous....

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