Wednesday 10 April 2024

WOYWW 775: Less Than A Week To Go

 I finally have everything ready for the funeral next Monday.  #2 son has prepared a visual tribute using the photos from the order of service and set to Heartbeat which was Paul's favourite TV show.

My desk shows some of the photos which were uploaded and used.
Still keeping up with the #dailycollage2024.  I am glad I managed to visit all the desks last week.  I shall try to do the same this week as it helps keep me grounded.  I have had some lovely cards from my WOYWW family. 


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased to see you're keeping up with the journal pages. That looks like a lovely collection of photographs and I hope everything goes well next week. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x7x

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad all’s ready for next Monday, Sarah. I hope it goes as well as these things ever can. Your daily collages are beautiful.
Take care
Lynnecrafts 3 xx

Annie said...

I love your daily collages. Thinking of you often and really hope this week goes well for you all.
Annie x #8

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your collages. I am sure everything will go well next week and sending you lots of love. You are in our thoughts. Angela #4

Helen said...

Glad all is ready for Monday, and that it goes as well as it can. Well done for keeping up with the daily collages. I hope your inks come soon too Hugs, Helen #1

Elizabeth said...

I really enjoy seeing your collages, Sarah. I hope all goes well on Monday. I'll be thinking of you. Elizabeth x #14

Julia Dunnit said...

Anything that makes you feel grounded is a good thing..I can only imagine how untethered you must feel at times. I the collages are beautiful, and of course, the sentiments that you're using speak volumes, no doubt about the need to make the most of time and memory. Im sure Monnday can't come soon enough on one hand and could do with being months away on the other hand, I wonder and hope that you're getting some sleep.

Twiglet said...

I love the sepia colour way of your collages. Sending all our love and hoping next week goes well for you all . x x

My name is Cindy said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit Sarah. Hope Monday goes well for you and your family and will be thinking of you. Great to see you are keeping up with your pages, I hope it helps. Love n hugs Cindyxx

BJ said...

So glad you are managing to do the daily collages and weekly desk visiting. The photos for the visual tribute are super. I went to my neighbour's service earlier this year and it was great to hear of all her adventures with photos too. Will be praying for you on Monday. Hugs BJ#6

Neet said...

You and the boys have certainly put your hearts into Monday. I will be thinking of you and hope that all goes to plan and you can all celebrate Paul's life in the way that you want to.
I am glad you have tried your best to keep yourself grounded, and I am sure your art work has helped so very much. Don't let go, it has always helped me in times of sorrow.
Sending gentle hugs, Neet 12 xx