Wednesday, 30 December 2020

WOYWW 604: Goodbye 2020

 Welcome to my contribution to the last WOYWW of 2020, a year most of us will no doubt be glad to see the back of.  Here's hoping that 2021 will eventually bring a little more normality back to everyone's lives. 

My desk this week shows the start of my second sketchbook that I use for my daily drawings.  I have decided to keep this up into the new year and have now started following the #inktober2019 prompts that I didn't even start at the time.  I have swapped to the new prompts with the new sketchbook.  You can also see some of the crafty goodies that I spent my Amazon voucher on (thanks boys).  We spent a few hours on Christmas Day itself at the two elder boys' house. They both work from home, so it felt a safe enough thing to do.  Lunch was a joint effort and dessert, cheese and biscuits had to wait until early evening as we were all stuffed.  We were home again by 8.30pm.  Since then we have had two days of snow so glad to be staying in.

These are the last of the drawcember2020 drawings.

and here are the first of my inktober2019 drawings.  Not sure where I will look for prompts when these are finished, but I am sure I can explore pre 2018 prompts as that was the first time I participated.  If you are interested in joining a friendly bunch of crafters, led by Julia, please pop over to Stamping Ground, where plenty of links can be found.  Happy WOYWW and happy New Year.  Stay safe everyone.


Lillianb said...

Happy WOYWDW and a Happy and healthy new year,

Love the drawings and love the way you have put a title to them,
Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #3

Lynn Holland said...

Your sketchbook pages are lovely Sarah.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021
Lynn xx 11

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

This makes me so happy to see you continue your inky sketches Sarah, a positive that came out of the crisis of 2020. I'm sure you could create your own daily prompts to create forever and a day. Happy to hear you had a little family time at Christmas, stay safe, Happy WoywW and enjoy those new goodies Tracey #7 x

Neet said...

Love that you are carrying on with your drawings. I so enjoy seeing them and would miss them.
Christmas Day sounds ideal spending it with the boys and it looks as if you had a lovely gift from them.
Take care, stay safe and well as much as you can with having to teach. I hope they extend the holiday and roll that vaccine to teachers quickly. Just so glad I am a retired one.
Hugs, Neet 13 xx

Julia Dunnit said...

You’re amazing, you just adapt to whatever they throw at you. I hope the crafty parts of your life are refreshing and absorbing enough to keep your mind from over heating! It’s wonderful how the daily sketch has seized you and become part of your routine, it really speaks to you huh. I expect there will be prompts running through your dreams soon!

Helen said...

Morning Sarah and happy last WOYWW of this blooming awful year! I hope that 2021 sees us all get back to "normal" or approaching it - at least they've approved the second vaccine now so that must help! Glad you were able to spend part of Christmas with your boys, and spread out the feasting, too! Happy New Year, stay safe. Helen #5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Seeing family safely is less dangerous than the supermarkets have been, that was our reasoning too, we have been isolating for long enough. Glad you had a good time, you got some great prezzies there, we are fortunate in having sons who do that! Hope the snow doesn’t get any worse, it’s supposed to come our way but I don’t think it will, we rarely have snow living on the coast.
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your latest drawings Sarah, I did smile at the scarecrow, because it was so apt for mindless. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year
Angela #14

My name is Cindy said...

Hiya Sarah, great drawings as always. I really need to be more disciplined. (I can't even remember to take my meds). Glad you managed a family Christmas. No snow here in London (hooray!!) but its a lovely bright day. I am sitting here with my biggest woolly jumper on and very cosy!! Same here for the bigshot PLUS, only use it for Eileen Hull dies. Is the pro bigger? Someone gifted me a huge circle die Sizzix 656678 (die is like 12 x 12", circle is 6", seems a bit overkill to me). You are welcome to it if you want, it won't fit in my machine. Just let me know.Have a good week. Happy New Year, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #18

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Sounds like you had a nice time with your boys at Christmas - I think we've all overindulged ourselves a little. I'll be back on my diet and the exercise bike come January! Lovely little sketches - they're something nice and quick to do - (I'm not saying easy as I wouldn't be able to draw them LOL!) Have a wonderful new year, Sarah! I'm hoping the schools won't be back first thing in January - it just seems too risky! Thanks for visiting earlier! xx zsuzsa #24

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks Sarah for the visit. Again such great drawings. Over the years, I've noticed your area has about the same weather as where I live. I miss being in town, always activity with children ! My sons and I did a LOT of sledding way back when. Have a delightful New Year's Eve and Best Wishes for 2021. We can only hope.

Twiglet said...

I've loved your little drawings Sarah. I hope the snow is not too bad over your way. It's nearly all gone here and I just popped out to scrape the last of the snow/ice from my car. All the best for 2021 - let's hope we get to meet up again before too long. xxx Jo

StampinCarol said...

Happy New Year!
Love your drawings. The scarecrow reminds me of the one in the Wizard of Oz.
Thanks for popping by!
Carol N #27

Felicia said...

SOOOO glad you got to spend time with your boys!! That's what it's all about!! I also love that you are starting your new sketch book, even though! The last of the 2020 sketches were cute and looks like you are off to a good start with "ringing" in the new year with that sketch!!! LOL Happy New Year to you Sarah and many blessings, Felicia #31

Spyder said...

Your sketch book is growing and growning, love the scarcrow. We have just heard we are now in tier 4, so it looks like there's going to be another full lockdown soon. Still, us crafters will be ok, doodling away!
Happy WOYWW, Keep Crafting. Stay safe and a very Happy New Year!
((Lyn)) #19

BJ said...

Super drawings, particularly taken by the cosy chair and the sparkly ring.

The gradient jigsaw was quite straight forward doing the edges but not so sure about the rest but all sorted colour wise so set to go.

Happy New Year BJ#10

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, our reasoning was pretty much the same about getting together at Christmas. We are all working from home apart from one, and he has regular tests for Covid, because of the nature of his work. It was good fun to have a day off and do normal things, after the year we have all had! You've got some nice prezzies there - keep calm and carry on crafting! I love all your sketches, good for you keeping it going. I can't draw at all - I struggle even tracing, so I admire anyone who can sketch like you do. Have a lovely week, and Happy New Year, hugs Heather xx #30

Caro said...

Loving your drawings... So glad you got to see your boys for Christmas. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Praying for a happy and blessed New Year for you and yours. With love & God Bless. Caro x (#16)

Shoshi said...

Your drawings are so lovely, Sarah! They often have a really nice humorous twist to them, and it's amazing how much expression you can get into them with a few simple lines. If you are looking for prompts, just stick a pin in a dictionary! You could end up with some fun results.

Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Lily watching Maru on TV. She's always been a bit of a telly addict. Ruby isn't really interested. I'm glad you liked my dress, too. I hope you enjoy making and eating the sprouts recipe! I always do it for Christmas now.

Happy New Year and happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #25

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you've decided to carry on with the sketching they are a great idea as a place to add memories. I know you might want to forget this sad time but it would be interesting to create a journal with drawings relating to the covid year/years as a historical reminder. I smiled when you said you were sticking with Clarity and Studio Light stamps. I love Studio Light and have a few of theirs and Clarity...I was one of their first club members and have stacks of their stamps too but I have been crafting for a very long time. Have a lovely woyww, what's left of it. Hugs, Angela x17x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your sketches Sarah! Glad you got to see your boys over Christmas!
Happy New Year, Chrisx#38

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, your Christmas day with your boys sounds just lovely. I hope you do keep up your little sketches - I've enjoyed seeing one every day. Hugs and Happy New Year to you. Elizabeth x #32

Sue said...

HNY Sarah, i’ll Miss your drawings each week so I hope you find more prompts soon! Take care with hugs from Sue #22 xx

craftyani said...

Love seeing your drawings every day, keep up. Can I ask what is in the box on your desk top right, they look like chocolates but then perhaps not as a least one or two would be missing. Wishing you a better 2021. Ani

Annie Claxton said...

HI Sarah, loving your latest set of drawings - some of those prompts are quite tricky aren't they? Love what you did for "mindless"! Here's wishing you a WAY better 2021, full of health, happiness and time to play at your desk :D Annie C #28

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Sarah!

I’m glad you are able to stay in too!

Aren’t Amazon vouchers fun? Your delivery was sure fast! Mine isn’t,. I think mine is on a “slow boat” from Florida!,

Have you tried those brushes yet? They “feel” different to me and I work differently, to get the results I am expecting.

Stay safe and well!

Happy New Year and Happy Wednesday!


Susan Renshaw said...

Loving your latest drawings, Sarah!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Update on here in Victoria – after more than two months with no Covid cases we now have a handful again…
Susan #15
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Chana Malkah said...

Happy New Year!

As always, I am impressed with your amazing sketches!

Sorry for the late visit!

Be well!
Chana Malkah, #1

Lynnecrafts said...

Happy new year Sarah!
I love your daily drawings I hope you’re keeping safe. I can understand the unions calling for teachers to be vaccinated. Education is so important and yet covid rates are rising so it’s hard to believe schools should stay open.
Hugs Lynnecrafts 20

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Sarah, all the blending tools look very handy and I am in awe of your sketching as always :) ~Stacy #41