Saturday, 1 January 2022

Drawing Challenge Complete

 On 1st January 2021 I challenged myself to complete a drawing every day during 2021.  SInce then I have filled three Daler-Rowney cartridge paper sketch books and used up two fine Posca pens.  I did however complete the challenge - the first time I have ever completely kept a New Year's Resolution.  Here are the last of my drawings for last year.  Not sure what my challenge will be this year.

The small print in contracts leapt to mind.
I drew a whale last time I had this prompt, so thought of something different this time.
Another repeat prompt - last time was a football rattle.
An easy prompt - drawn from life.
A quick response to this one.
I have drawn closed books previously.
I added birds as I have drawn clouds before.
The last time I had this prompt I drew a crooked house.
Different aspects of the holidays for Christmas Day.
Another quick and easy sketch.
My immediate thought was the Secret Garden.
No snow this Christmas but still damp and miserable!
I already know what I am drawing for tomorrow's prompt!
Well it had to be really!
Celebrating both the end of the year and the successful conclusion to my challenge.

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