Wednesday, 16 February 2022

WOYWW 663: Can't Wait

 Another Wednesday, another desk for sharing with Julia and WOYWW at Stamping Ground.

Still keeping up with my daily challenge.  A full on week at school as well with a virtual parents' evening this evening and data to analyse before the end of the week.  I will be getting all my marking done today so I don't have anything to bring home over half term.

It was truly sad and difficult to believe that it is a whole year this week since we lost Shaz Silverwolf.  Reading Doug's blog post the other day and watching the moving video that he included makes me so grateful for the friendship and fellowship of the people in this wonderful group.  Without WOYWW I would never have had the pleasure of meeting Shaz and getting to know her for an all too brief time.  I am so glad that Doug has kept the blog going and feels part of the WOYWW family too.  RIP SHaz - you are missed.

It will probably be tomorrow before I visit most desks so stay safe and Happy WOYWW. 

EDIT been up since 4am with sickness and diarrheoa so going back to bed.


Lynn Holland said...

I was thinking of Doug too. Heartbreaking.
Congratulations on keeping up with your daily challenge.
Take care
Lynn xx6

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Poor you, D&V is not nice and wipes you out. Stay in bed and rest up. Your artwork is fab, I love all the different pages.
It's sobering to think a year has gone past since Shaz died, still miss her.
Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Oh no, Sarah, hope you feel better soon. Does that mean you'll miss the parents evening? At least it's not half term yet. Lovely pages and it's great that you were able to keep up with the daily challenge - I was very careful this year to choose something really simple for my 100-day challenge. I thought of Shaz too over the weekend. I'll check out Doug's post I haven't seen it yet. Hope it's just a 24-hour bug and you'll be back on your feet by half term. xx zsuzsa #7

Neet said...

Oh heck Sarah, that does not sound good. My niece's little one was the same and he showed positive for covid so suggest you do a LFT.
Hope you soon start to feel better.
It would be a shame if you were poorly and missed the chance to get things done so you had half term free for things you want to do. Here's hoping you can get back to full health as soon as you can.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. I'm amazed how you manage to keep going with the journal and the pages are brilliant. I'll pop over to see Doug later. Happy woyww, Angela x8x

My name is Cindy said...

Oh no! Hope you feel better soon and manage to get everything done so you can have a peaceful half term. Yes I was quite shocked to realise it was a whole year since we said goodbye to Shaz. Great pages, again always staggered by how much everyone produces. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs, Cindyxx #15

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. I hope that you are feeling better soon and it is just a brief sickness. With my IBS I totally understand how horrible S&D is. Taking Immodium always helps me - along with ginger biscuits! Ali x #17

Helen said...

Hope you recover soon , just want you didn't need when you wanted to get sorted steady of half term xx Helen can't link till later so no number yet

Crafting With Jack said...

So sorry you are poorly, wishing you a speedy recovery. Great journal pages, love the phrase “poppycock and fiddlesticks”. Angela #9

Lindart said...

Oh no! Poor Sarah, that sounds awful! I hope you feel better soon! I love your journal pages. My favourite one I think is the Poppycock and Fiddlesticks and Up to No Good! I miss Shaz too, although I never met her as many of you have. I loved her unique style and personality that really came through in her blog. Have a good week, and feel better! Lindart #23

Tracy said...

Hoping you feel better soon Sarah 🤗 My mum had it last week, seems tk be going around. Loving your pages especially the bursts of pure joy on the last two. Sending gentle hugs your way Tracy xxx #25

Stacy Sheldon said...

Feel better Sarah, Love the pages. ~Stacy #22

Sharon Madson said...

Love your journal pages; they are so creative. I sure hope you get to feeling better. Hugs. Sharon #21

Susan Renshaw said...

So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well...get better soon!
Love all your pages - especially the black sentiments!

Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
Susan #10
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Sarah, I hope you feel a bit better by now, what a horrid interruption to your week and plans. Your samples with the fashion stuff from Clarity have been a delight, I hope there’s fun in doing it all, it certainly looks like it!

Spyder said...

These are sooo good, and iits an everyday project! I can't seem to make a monthly one! Out house sitting dogd so took laptop with me so I can catch up, as always Happy very late WOYWW?! (Lyn) #19