Wednesday, 9 February 2022

WOYWW 662: Counting Down

 The weeks are passing quickly as half term approaches.  Less than a fortnight to go now and a week to relax.  Welcome to my weekly desk share with WOYWW c/o Julia at Stamping Ground.

As you can see, my daily challenge scrapbook is progressing.  I will definitely be starting another one at the end of February.  Boy it is certainly helping me use up loads of scraps though.  I have had assessments to mark this week so have had to bring work home, but after this it will be possible to get everything marked in school again.

No Eva until half term week, but I did pass on everyone's best wishes from last week.  STay safe and Happy WOYWW.  I'll be round to visit later today or tomorrow morning.


Helen said...

can't believe its nearly half term already... hope you stay healthy for it! love the daily challenges, you're definitely getting through the scraps! Have a good day. Helen #?

Neet said...

Nice pages Sarah, this journal job you are doing at the moment is working out for you. Great that you are inspired to do another one.
Roll on half term for you.
Hugs, Neet xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Loving your collages. It is such a great way to use up scraps. The dentist was great! Happy WOYWW Angela #9

Diana Taylor said...

I'm loving your pages Sarah, and I'm glad you're keeping it going - I've fallen off the wagon regards making my collages but hope to get going again once my life is less chaotic - like you I find it a great way of using up scraps (which can accumulate at an alarming rate)!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #8

Christine said...

Wow! you have been busy.
Have a good rest of the week
Christine #17

Lynn Holland said...

I’m mightily impressed with your daily scrapbook commitment. I could do to take a leaf out of your book literally.
Great work. See you next week
Lynn x 7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

When I was teaching it seemed ages to the holiday and now they seem to come round really fast though I know that the term from summer to Christmas always seems the longest. Your scrapbook is really coming on and you're right it is a good way to use up all those bits and pieces. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x10x

BJ said...

Super pages, don't know how you keep it up along with working and especially if you need to bring marking home!! First two are my favs this week, but love them all.. Thanks for the visit BJ#11

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your daily challenges Sarah. Enjoy your half term
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13

Annie said...

I’m late visiting as I’ve spent my day catching up after spending 6 hours putting my errors right. ...I’m so glad you struggled to see the mistake too. I’m sure our brains see what they expect to be there. Lesson learnt for sure.
Annie x #5

StampinCarol said...

Cool pages!! You've been busy!
Have a great week!
Carol N #17

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, I had to read the "Be Still and listen" a few times to read it - my brain must definitely be tired! All the scrapbook pages are great - I do admire your commitment when you start a project/challenge! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #2

Sharon Madson said...

You are doing a nice daily journal. Always good to use up scraps! Have a great week. Sharon #25