Wednesday 5 February 2020

WOYWW 557: On Top of Things

I confess that I am a list maker.  I like to plan ahead and tick jobs off as they are done.  That way I can prioritise and I get a sense of satisfaction when my jobs for the day are complete; especially if I finish them earlier than I thought they would be.
First on my list for yesterday was to complete some tags for the February JJAMMMA tag swap.  I also decided to make use of my half price find in Hobbycraft last week, my new box of 12 Derwent Inktense pencils.  I can't show you the full tags, as they won't have been received by my swap partner yet.  I can report that the pencils are great though.  Really vibrant when blended with water and a little goes a long way.

I thought I'd share a couple of recent samples that made it to air.  I am not short of blog posts for the next month lol.  I'll be linking up today via The Stamping Ground as usual.  Wednesday just wouldn't be Wednesday without seeing what everyone is up to in their crafty spaces.  I'll be round to visit in the morning or maybe this evening if I'm not too tired after work.  Happy WOYWW everyone.


  1. Don't let the paid job tire you out Sarah, save some energy for the new craft shed of yours.
    Nice display of cards and those tags look interesting. I must get my Inktense pencils out now I have read your review - for once I know exactly where they are as I have a dedicated "colouring" shelf.
    Have a good week
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  2. Glad you're enjoying the pencils, they are good aren't they.
    that's a fab card, really vibrant, and I am always impressed by the quantity of posts you have - don't know how you do it and work too! Helen #3

  3. I’m a list gal too Sarah, I like a list and don’t consider it a confession! The confession from me would be that I’m a one job at a time gal and that means that mostly my five minutes here and there thing is a bit painful! Like the animals falling through the clouds!

  4. Everyone says JUlia and I are the same and we are so not! The main evidence being she's a list maker and I'm someone who wings their way through life!! But I really do admire those who enjoy list making/ticking items off and wish that i could do the same...but it's not to be!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  5. HI Sarah, good to hear the pencils lived up to expectations. Love both of the samples, especially the squares one.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6X

  6. I had to smile when you mentioned list making as I'm just the same. I used to do them when I was teaching and it kind of rubbed off onto the crafting too. Loving the cards, always nice to see what you've been up to. Wishing you a happy crafty woyww, Angela x12x

  7. Hi Sarah, you always seem to do lovely stuff with colours, the pencils sound like another blessing to your skills. Thank you for sharing
    Chris #8

  8. Happy WOYWDW

    so glad you enjoyed the pencils Loving your two projects, and hope work is not to stressful,
    Lilian B #9

  9. I love the smell of new pencils! These seem to be really bright! I do like what I can see sticking out... Happy WOYWW day! #18

  10. I love colouring pencils and stationery of any kind really.

  11. I'm a list girl too - I can't operate without lists as there is a fear of things getting forgotten. We inherited some inktense pencils from Gran, but I have a feeling that Alex claimed them! I may have to sneak them back into my craft room. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week, with love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#20)

  12. Hi Sarah, oh fun I love the raining cats and dogs card :) and those are the same pencils I have too. enjoy them, ~Stacy #26

  13. I'm a list maker too! But only a list maker, not a do-oer! I forget to take it grocery shopping; forget where I put it; start 15 other projects which are not on the list and so on....

    thank for sharing your test drive for the pencils.

    Happy Wednesday!

  14. I make lists too, Sarah, but I'm really bad at ticking items off - I'm too easily distracted. I love the cats and dogs card - a brilliant image of something we say often here on the west coast. Thanks for your comment earlier - I'll be looking out for that book you mentioned. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

  15. I make "to do" lists too and love ticking the items off as I do them! Sometimes I even add something I've actually done but didn't put on the list, and then tick it off! How crazy is that... I love your tags and look forward to seeing more especially with the Inktense pencils. I have a set of these too. They are really great. I am sure you will have fun using them.

    Thank you for your visit and your good wishes! I'm really hoping to get this operation done sooner rather than later. Glad you enjoyed seeing Lily and Ruby this week!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  16. Hello Sarah, I need to make lists as I get distracted and do other things 🙄
    Belated happy WOYWW, Angela #22

  17. Lists are great especially hen I’m forgetful. Nice cards ! Dorlene #25

  18. Sorry I'm so late this week! I like lists too, even tried making them on my phone, but not as satisfying as paper! Your cards are beautiful! Thank you for your visit to mine, Lindart #24

  19. Yours is second out of two I could swear Id commented on but no! Narry to be seen. Yes I too am the inveterate list maker, have various ones floating around on the "list space" on kitchen bench.
    Love the samples, yellow house one most of all.
    Sorry for such late visit .. 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  20. Pretty colors. I do love my Derwent though I don't use them often enough. I once visited a quilt shop/ retreat/ studio in Paducah KY in their Lower Arts District. She had those long tables with the archtect drawers. The top drwer on one of the units was nothing but Derwent pencils..OMG the colors! Made me so happy just to look. I know I'm late getting 'round. The first 4 days Bob is home always belong to him. Cya tomorrow. Hugs & Creative Blessings! Kelly #19


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