Wednesday 17 June 2020

WOYWW 576: Getting Back To Normal?

Morning and welcome to the weekly desk share with WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday).  For more details and desks please visit Julia at the Stamping Ground.
As you can see, my desk actually saw some crafty action yesterday afternoon, as I worked on another tag for my Quarantine Quickie journal.  I am now up to 65 including this one, but still plenty of prompts to work on.  LLJ may have noticed that Tom and Peter are back.  I decided to find room for them on the new drawers.
The finished tag.  I did some more projects as well, but they are top secret until next month, so I can't share those.  From next Wednesday I will be back in school all three days I work until the school holidays.  I have been asked to swap to Wednesday, Thursday, Friday until then as it cuts down the chance of transmission, rather than working alternate days.  Happy WOYWW everyone and a shout out to Y7 and Y8 as usual!


  1. Hope your return to school goes well - I am finding it very odd being back among people again, although we are well distanced inside.. We wear masks when we move around inside if we have to be more than one person to a room but I keep forgetting. Still this is only day 3! 65 tags! wow!! Helen #2

  2. Morning Sarah. Phew! So glad they are back! Love that tag - great fun. Is that how you are seeing lockdown? As a red herring? Interesting... Hope the change in days is going to work out for you - all the best.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  3. Morning Sarah, it must feel good to be getting back to normal at school, even if it does gobble up your Wednesday.
    That tag is brill, so simple and so effective
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #10

  4. Loving the Tag Sarah and that stencil makes great water,

    Stay well healthy and safe

    Lilian B #15

  5. Gorgeous little tag Sarah, I love the background. Glad to see Peter and Tom are back - well Peter actually - always had a soft spot for him since All Creatures Great and Small (I think I'm showing my age now!).
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #11

  6. Lol, it was the first thing I spotted!! Back in their rightful position :-). That's a lovely colour you've used on the tag, my favourite. I suppose it makes sense swapping your days but that's going ot put a crimp in your WOYWW activities eh? I'm glad that life is resuming some sort of normality.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  7. Tom and Peter are back? I didn't know they had left! I'm guessing that was last week. Great tag - and 65 completed, that's a big deal. Hope everything at school continues to go well, I must admit I am glad I am retired and I don't have to get back into the big bad world just yet. Thank you for your earlier visit, Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, hugs Cindyxx #11

  8. Yep, you do whatever it takes to cut down transmission possibilities for yourself. I saw the fish stencil and clocked it as fish. But when i scrolled down to look at the tag, I couldn’t see the fish, just the funny shape around them! Funny what your eyes do to you when focus is a bit slow, I blame my wonky eye! Happy to see you crafting in company again, pretty sure the Drs like being there!

  9. Love the tag, Sarah, and especially the gorgeous fishy stencil! Great job. Glad you are going back to work, too. It shows things are returning to normal again. Thank you for your visit. Glad you approve of the pantry work! I have started knitting the new band on the green cardigan and so far so good, but my goodness, there's a huuuuge number of stitches!! I haven't even counted them yet.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #22

  10. Hi dear Sarah.. dillbrain here just spent 30 mins commenting on Last Week's WOYWW links. Ah like things are getting back to normal.. that is good.
    Wow 64 tags... i don't think I've even made 6. Made very few. Ive the one you gave me at WOYWW crop 2018 on my cupboard door in craft room. I really do love it.
    Happy WOYWW 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X #21

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Yeah, have to say I'm also a bit bemused about the "red herring" angle of the tag today. But hey it is a lovely tag, love the background. Hope school goes OK, Hugs and thanks for the visit BJ#7

  12. Hi Sarah, nice tag. I love the background, that's a great stencil. I'll have a look at the text, see if I can make it better. Have a lovely woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x20x

  13. I love that tag! The stencilling is gorgeous. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #23

  14. Hi Sarah, loving the stencilled piece, and the stencil itself is fab.Good to see the Doctors back, we're thoroughly enjoying rewatching, just got the entrance of K9. That does sound like it will help with keeping everyone safe.Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #16 X

  15. Fun tag! Had a giggle at the Red Herring part of it.
    Hope school goes well with the new days.
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #30

  16. I love the tag and washi tape drawers are now on my wish list (I have been hinting heavily to Tim so am hoping I will be given them for my wedding anniversary present next week!). I hope the return to school is going OK. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#34)

  17. I’ll be thinking of you as you go into work next week. My niece is a head teacher and I know how difficult it is for you all
    Lynn xx 14

  18. Hi, Sarah!
    We visited a bit on Instagram this morning, but I am finally getting to desks.

    I agree with some of the other deskers, love the tag, and love the blue!

    Do you have 'year-round" school? You mentioned till the holidays? Are you talking Christmas? Don't they have the summers off?

    Well, stay safe!
    Happy Wednesdays
    Kathryn #33

  19. Hi Sarah, welcome back Peter and Tom! You've used some beautiful colours on your tag. Hope all goes well with returning to work at school next week. I'm popping into my office tomorrow, but will leave it until next month before I go back maybe 1 or 2 days per week. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hubby also got some headphones to plug into the amplifier for his new guitar- so my eardrums are safe for now. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #13

  20. Hi Sarah,
    I love the movement that stencil adds to this tag a great deal :) ~Stacy #31

  21. Hope school goes well - I didn't realize how much i miss the pupils, saw a couple when i went to get meds the other day and found it so hard not to hug them!! And I usually work with the "naughty " pupils :)
    Love the tag . Have a fab week, I am sure it will fly by. Sorry I am so late posting x Soojay#27

  22. Sorry I am so late, had a bad day yesterday and today is not much better as yet. But did have two and a bit days of no pain before. That was a real bonus.
    Love the stencil you used on your tag, made the perfect background for your fish - and well done on so many tags - lagging behind with my iCAD's but still going to keep them up, one a day.
    Hope your new work schedule does not interfere with WOYWW. Take care when back at school.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  23. Love the tag - that's a great stencil!
    Hope school goes well. We are in Australia and my daughter is now back to teaching all the high school ages. First just years 11/12 and prep went back and the rest were still taught online. Then two weeks ago the other years went back. However it's soon time to break up for school holidays so everyone is looking forward to that!
    Stay Safe!
    Susan #39

  24. Thanks for your visit earlier. Blogger informed me that ALL blogs will be under the new format at the end of June that's why I decided to change. However . . . while blogging today I noticed that the post was the old style but once you preview it returns to the new style . . . confused!!
    Love that stencil that you've used, I will put it on my list as I am on a 'dry' couple of months. PJ asked why I needed more stuff when I hadn't used some of the stuff I had! no more spends for a while I guess!
    Hope the last few weeks of term go ok, I always found the children's heads were more on their holidays than school towards the end of this term!!
    Have a wood week
    Christine #28

  25. Hi Sarah.

    Good to see your Muses have returned. It simply wasn't the same without Peter and Tom, although I still feel the conspicuous absence of Jon!

    I do like that water stencil. It looks like it will come in very handy for lots of projects!

    Have a good week.

    Amelia #37

  26. Hey the boys are back! Great fishy tag x Angela #38

  27. I love to see you worked on a 'fish' at the exact same time I did (on a gelli plate) Something to do with 'great spirits think alike' (or how does that phrase go?) Thanks for stopping by my blog last week, I'm rather late but took a break from creating to visit you. Enjoy your weekend dear one, hug from Holland, Marit #24

  28. Hi Sarah! Sorry I'm so late, it's been a hectic week with hubby's surgery and all! I'm glad your school is making small changes to reduce the risk, smart! Your fish tag is very cute! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #36


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