Wednesday 23 June 2021

WOYWW 629: Three More Wednesdays!

 At the end of this week we will be half way through the term.  Usually I would be blogging from Germany next week, but things aren't what they used to be - maybe next year!  Welcome to my weekly contribution to WOYWW thanks to Julia at Stamping ground where you can find out more and join in yourself.

The usual sense of déja vu on my desk. 

However my art shelf has some beautiful new additions - the Tilly Tea Dance picture that was on my desk last week and a beautiful tribute to Shaz Silverwolf from Debbie Rock.  Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity Debbie - the photo doesn't do your artwork justice.

The latest daily drawings.  No Eva this week as it is her heavy week at work so she didn't make it over yeaterday.  It will be tomorrow before I visit - parent telephone consultations in school until 6.30pm this evening - so much for seeing much of hubby on our wedding anniversary.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.


  1. the Tilly Tea Dance pics and Debbie's gift look fabulous - I've not found a place for mine yet. Happy anniversary - hope you get home in time to at least SEE hubby later!! take care. Helen #1

  2. Happy Anniversary ! Some great photos again today. Enjoy the week and thanks for your visit. My son and family made it to Germany safely, hoping for a Skype connections soon.

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both. What a shamer school has got in the way of any celebration - there is weekend though so hope you find something nice to do together.
    Some amazing drawing going on as usual - how on earth you think of what to draw is a mystery to me - I mean "choices". Come on! That would have had me completely stumped.
    Love the display.
    Take care and keep the conversations tonight to a minimum, if you can.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  4. First, happy anniversary. It's too bad you have to work late tonight.

    Second, your new gift from Debbie goes beautifully with the Tilly Tea Dance artwork. I love your drawings. You find great ways to express the theme of the day. Happy WOYWW from # 5.

  5. You have a gallery of Tilly! They are lovely, I can see why you love them so much. Fun drawings as always, I do love seeing your take on the prompts. Happy Anniversary, hope you manage to fit your hubby in sometime today!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  6. Beautiful art work on show today. I know how you feel about not getting away as this is the first year in about 30 something that we haven't been skiing and it feels very strange. Hope you're not too late getting back home tonight too. Have fun and a happy woyww, Angela x17x

  7. the drawing are fun this week, ouch to the Hilarios one! I like the map best this week! I'm Always hunting for lost treasure! Stay safe, keep on crafting! Happy WOYWW?! ((Lyn)) #15

  8. Your Tilly Tea Dance pictures make a lovely display. I hope parents evening is not too arduous. Angela #9

  9. Love the Tilly Tea Dance items!
    Great drawings as usual. My favourite is the treasure map.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #20

  10. That's a gorgeous line-up of your treasures and actually, I think you managed to capture the beauty of Debbie's piece quite well! It's well lit and you can see the deep red colour of the background, which I couldn't achieve. A lovely display altogether! Super drawings again - some I would have never through of! For once, I actually want term time to drag on since my own son is out of school getting ready for college, giving us a chance to perhaps visit a few places without the usual crowds - too bad we can't get away from our jobs yet, but perhaps we can take a few days off before schools break up for the summer. It's a special time for us, so I want to make the most of it! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #21

  11. ps. Happy wedding anniversary - which reminds me, ours is coming up soon and we always forget it!

  12. Happy WOYWW and Happy Anniversary. Shame you are working a long day today. We celebrated our anniversary this year with a pizza, at a local 'proper' Italian restaurant that we hadn't visited yet. The weather wasn't good enough for us to have our usual day out somewhere, but we still enjoyed getting away from the farm for a few hours. Ali x #24

  13. Sarah, I know you will be happy when things get back in right order with the school terms! It's been crazy here in the states as well. The schools seem to be getting back around, but I think it will be next year honestly before everything is back in order. I am STILL super jealous of all of your gorgeous felt artwork from Maxine!! She's such a talent. If you will read my post from today, you will see that I am about to take the plunge myself!! I can't wait!! The piece from Debbie that many of you got is so gorge! Such a great tribute to Shaz!!! As usual, your drawings are on point and Day 17 IS INDEED hilarious!!! Have a great rest of your week and weekend! Felicia #22

  14. Happy anniversary to you both. I hope you findat least a little time together to celebrate. I love the familiar artwork on your looks so good all together like that.
    Annie x #13

  15. Oh Sarah, congratulations and happy anniversary, even if you are having to do the consults, am sure the hubster will be happy to just have you come home! Germany weeks comes round again already, it’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we last talked about planning and not planning. Only thin is that this year it’s been a certainty! My favourite drawing this week is choices. Now do you, I wonder, feel that these are exclusively line drawings, or can you see yourself going back and adding colour to one or two, maybe your favourites?

  16. Your Tilly collection is beautiful and they look so good together.
    The kiddywinks and parents next door to me are isolating as young Evie has covid. Seems odd not seeing them playing out.
    I’ve had lunch with a lovely friend the week and seen my sister who lives in Oxford. It’s only the second time since October
    I’m enjoying your drawings as always
    Lynn x 14

  17. Happy anniversary there's always the weekend to celebrate. Love seeing how you interept the subjects of drawing each day. Ani #2

  18. Hi Sarah, sorry you wo't be making it to Germany this year - fingers crossed we'll be back to normal next year and we'll appreciate the things we've missed more than ever. What a beautiful art gallery you have, that Shaz tribute from Debbie is really lovely. Your sketches are an inspiration, I love your interpretation of the prompts. Have a great week. Annie C #30

  19. I love your drawings and I love the artwork shelf with the new additions. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#23)

  20. Happy Anniversary Sarah, your art shelf display is beautiful :) ~Stacy #27

  21. lol you should turn Day 17 into a birthday card, that would be great Elle #25, EOTC

  22. The tilly dance pictures are adorable and love you your drawing you are so clever,

    sorry to hear you and hubby did not spend much off you anniversary together

    Take care and stay safe

    Lilian B #19

  23. Hi Sarah, sorry for the late visit - been an extremely busy week. Gorgeous things on your shelf, and I laughed out loud at "hilarious"! Actually all your drawings were brilliant this week and I found it hard to choose a favourite. Such imagination! I love your quirky interpretations of the words, which are often so unexpected. Keep up the good work - always enjoy seeing them and wondering what you will come up with next!

    Thank you for your visit - all news re MRI etc on my blog this week. Thanks for your good wishes, and also for your encouragement re my sorting in the studio. Not so much progress this week but at least it's usable again.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12


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