Wednesday 17 February 2021


Welcome to the weekly desk share with WOYWW courtesy of Julia keeper of links at Stamping Ground.  This week we mourn the loss of one of the stalwarts of our group: Shaz (Silverwolf) Brooks.

I spent some time the other day, having heard the sad news of her passing, looking through my stash of WOYWW ATCs from crops and swaps.  Even though I only met Shaz and her husband Doug a handful of times, to read her blog was to know her.  Enabler, generous sharer of techniques, crafty research and online bargains, Shaz could always be relied on to tell it how it is.  LLJ and Julia have summed up Shaz so much better than I can on their blogs this week and her husband Doug has also made a moving tribute to his soulmate on Shaz's blog.  It is well worth a visit for tips, techniques and crafty product reviews.

I will leave you with some photos of various meetings with Shaz and Doug (Doug was invariably behind the camera).

Our first meet up at Port Sunlight with Lynne, Chris and Neet in front.
WOYWW crop in 2018.
The last time we met at the WOYWW crop in 2019.

Rest In Peace Shaz.


  1. It has been lovely to see all the heartfelt tributes to our lovely Shaz throughout social media. Shaz always had a smile on her face. Take care. helen #?

  2. Lovely to see these photos...
    Susan #5

  3. I'm so glad they managed to get to so many of these events. I stopped blogging for ages so I last saw her in 2015 but it's lovely to see all these pics popping up. Much love on this difficult day, Lisa-Jane #7

  4. It's so hard isn't it. Beautiful share of Shaz's talent and lovely little keepsakes, she always looked so happy in every photograph I ever saw.
    Rip dear Shaz.
    Take care Sarah Hugs Tracey x

  5. Lovely post Sarah, your selection of Shaz’s makes is great, I bet there’s a post explaining how to get those background effects! I grumble about photos, I’m not photogenic and naturally, wish I was. But the pictures being posted today are awesome, I’m so glad we all have some! The badge maker is a real luxury because it doesn’t get a lot of use. If you want 1” badges with or without pins for any reason, please ask me, all you have to do is send the paper or words of your choice!

  6. Such a heartfelt tribute to our lovely, lovely friend, thanks for sharing the pictures,
    Bless you
    Chris #15

  7. Sarah, what a great tribute to a lovely lady, great pictures, thanks for sharing
    Chris #15

  8. Such a difficult day for so many of us but such a lot of lovely memories are being shared around the blog posts. A nice idea to find reinders you have of her and share them with us all.
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  9. The photo's are lovely. The one on Juila's post before this weeks WOYWW was just perfect. Stay Safe, keep crafting! WOYWW? ((Lyn)) #13

  10. A lovely tribute to Shaz, and so nice to see the photos.
    Hugs, Diana xx #22

  11. Lovely to see the group photographs. Could you check my link again please as I think I have made it public now x Angela #21 Happy WOYWW x

  12. Gorgeous post Sarah, Shaz really did make us all feel better, that’s a proper life skill eh?
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  13. Lovely photos - happy days - a really lovely lady. xx

  14. A nice tribute, you are all blessed to be able to gather. I've often thought I'd make the trip, but the 3 yrs my son has been on the East coast would have been perfect, just hasn't been times I could Covid prevents me even visiting the past 2 yrs even with family and Mom was so in need the 1st year my time was needed with her. SPRING is not too far off and may we all enjoy it !!!

  15. Morning Sarah. A lovely post - they haven't been easy to write this week, have they?
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  16. So lovely to read posts from everyone remembering Shaz. Feel for Doug and her family. I also had a look through my old posts and ATC's looking for reminders of Shaz. Have a lovely week and I hope find some time to create.
    Sandra de @28

  17. Hi Sarah, what lovely memories and photos
    Take care and stay safe
    Lynnecrafts 30

  18. what lovely happy photos- the best way to remember her . Take care . Soojay 32

  19. Lovely memories and photos, Sarah
    Stay safe
    Lynnecrafts 30

  20. Lovely tribute Sarah - I only just found out about Shaz this morning - I knew she was poorly, but I was convinced that she would pull through. I must gather all the cards and ATCs she sent me as well - they will now take on a special meaning. xx zsuzsa #31

  21. I’m sorry I’m so late visiting this week. I’ve been head down making Memory bears this morning.
    Such a beautiful tribute for a special lady. She touched the hearts of so many of us.
    Hugs, Annie x #9

  22. A lively tribute to Shaz, it is lively to look back on photographs. Not having met any of you yet I am trying to figure out who’s who. X Angela #21

  23. Sarah, what a beautiful tribute to Shaz! No matter how many times you were able to enjoy her presence, it's a treasured memory to be sure! Your precious goody gifts from her along with your photos make for even more special memories!! Thank you so much for sharing!! They are fabulous photos! Blessings to you and the rest of your week! Felicia #34

  24. Thank you for the pictures!
    Sending hugs!


  25. Super photos, lovely memories
    Thanks for the visit BJ#23

  26. Another wonderful tribute to Shaz!
    Chana Malkah #36

  27. Hi Sarah, lovely photos and tribute to Shaz. I think we are all feeling the same this week - we have lost, as you say, a WOYWW stalwart. Hugs, Heather xx #19

  28. What a beautiful post, Sarah, and a really lovely tribute to our lovely Shaz whom we are all going to miss so much. I still can't believe she's gone... I shall miss her so much. I love it when people share photos - such great memories, and also the photos of some of her work as well. She will live on in so many people's memories and so many of us have tangible results of her creativity. I know I shall treasure my little collection. It's so great that Doug is keeping her blog open.

    Thank you for your visit, and also for your great suggestion re Trading Standards, which I really think was the clincher for them to pull their finger out and get my blender sorted! Also I'm glad you liked my Hebrew cross stitch designs. Finding them brought back a lot of happy memories and I was so glad to be able to help that lady out, who wants to make one of them.

    The kitties say "purr, purr" (or more accurately, "snore, snore" - the lazy lumps!) and I say I hope you have a good week.

    Shoshi x #25

  29. I’m loving seeing all the photos of Shaz. How sad I didn’t get to meet her but I do feel she was a friend to us all.
    Lynn xx

  30. I started off okay today with the visits, walked dogs and went into the cabin and now I don't know where the time went to! Shaz will never have really left us because her blog will keep her alive for us and I can tell you it wont be the last time I pop over there for some ideas when I get stuck, God Bless her. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela,x18x

  31. Thank you for your visit, sorry this is late but I think someone is pinching the days.

    Thank you for sharing the pictures of you all with Shaz and know i would love to have met her,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #14

  32. Hi Sarah. Lovely photos and tribute. I am thankful I got to the last crop. Sorry for my late visit. Take care. Anne x 33

  33. Hi Sarah, so good to see all the photos and lovely words about Shaz. I find I've been looking over past photos and swaps as well. Sorry about the late visit, was a bit poorly and had to go to bed for a bit!! Love n hugs, Cindyxx #20


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