Wednesday 7 August 2019

WOYWW 531: No Cake Today

My desk shot today is the view through the door from the other side of the desk as it was this morning.  Laptop open ready to write this post, cereal bowl for breakfast and candles ready for a sample that I am working on.  As you can see I have space for a few people to come and craft with me.
Alas no cake today as I am crafting all alone.  I am however looking forward to the Clarity retreat that Eva and I will be attending a fortnight today (the first of two days).
I'd like to introduce my new Grandkitty, Jess.  She is 14 weeks old and a supervised only outdoor cat.  That is to say, she is an indoor cat, only allowed out on her harness and lead or in her backpack pet carrier with the large viewing bubble on the back.  I was invited out to breakfast the other day and Jess came too.  As you can imagine, she created quite a stir as we went for our walk, especially as she spent most of the time perched on my son's shoulder (I think she was a parrot in a previous life lol).
I will hook up to The Stamping Ground, where Queen of Snoop Julia is keeper of the weekly desk share.  See you all soon!


  1. The little cat is so cute, I see you were at Trentham. I love it there but always spend far too much. I too am looking forward to the retreat. X

  2. Hello to the gorgeous Jess. There’s going to be some fun and games there haha
    Lynn x 9

  3. Morning Sarah, thanks for letting us see Jess, I hope you have more success with a cat in a harness than we did.
    That's a desk all ready for action, sorry you are crafting alone.
    Thanks for visiting my desk, and you are right about the card being pictured on the desk, it just wasn't this Wednesday, but never mind.
    Chris #6

  4. Good Morning Sarah. How very organised is your craft space, my workspace is usually tidy too. Love little Jess and she sounds just part of the family already. Have a Good week. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Hello Sarah, Thank you for your visit to me blog, great space you have therre for crafting, Loving the cat. great picture of you both

    Happy WOYWDW

    Lilian B #16

  6. Jess is a real sweetie, i'm sure she is very well behaved :) Nice to see you out and about enjoying your Summer Holidays Sarah, I have to say i'd be spending most of mine in the craft room if I had a space as grand as yours.. Happy WoywW Tracey #8
    P.S There are no Paperbabe shows coming up so no need to keep a watch out just new products to extend playability. Kim is a one woman band, designing, creating and cutting all on her own so it's not so easy to include shows with such a heavy workload.. but it's always fun for us DT to play with new stuff x

  7. What a cute little puss Jess is and how lovely that she comes with you on your travels.
    Annie x #13

  8. A love workspace and even lovelier kitty ! We have two black and whites so as of spot there ! X

  9. Hi Sarah, love the shot of your workspace. Jess is gorgeous, I'm totally a cat person! Have a great time at the retreat, I'm pretty sure Marg(Maggie) is going too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  10. Aww Sarah, gorgeous little Jess! I can imagine heads turning as she goes along the street like that! Our 2 are also "supervised only" - at least, they are only allowed in the garden while my hubby is at home, after all that upset when Ruby kept getting out. She still tries every now and then, but so far the defences are holding! In the past, I have lost 2 beloved kitties on the road and I never want to go through that again. I love your room! So bright and airy and well organised. Thank you for your visit and your good wishes for my appointments. I love my pantry! The trouble is, I could do with one twice the size. I've already overflowed into the kitchen in the flat in our house where Mum used to live. My supplies of seeds, grains and legumes are so bulky. I'm glad you like the look of my "recipe of the week." I am so enjoying my new culinary journey and think we will eventually be entirely vegan, but I haven't told my hubby that yet!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #19

  11. What a fab craft space you gave. I'm very jealous Helen #2

  12. Funny Sarah but I have a photo of my son with our kitten perched on his shoulder - years ago I might add. Your grandkitty is a real treasure, what colour is her harness? Tabs had one too for when we went to the caravan as i would not let her roam, hers was lilac and I bet I still have it somewhere.
    When I am better (back) I would love to come and craft with you so reserve a space but not just yet.
    Hugs Neet 1 (only because of the back hurting) xx

  13. Hi Sarah, I’m doing all pop up comment box people tonight will do embedded whenim not so tired. It is late.
    Thanks so much for your comment already. I appreciate you. Love you space... soo tidy, oh my.. I need to replicate! Love the parrot cat, very cute, and cuddly too.
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  14. Hi Sarah, what a sweetie and the cat's cute too! Loving the different view of your crafty space too. Have a lovely week and a happy woyww, Angela x15x

  15. Lovely cat and hope you have a fabulous retreat
    thanks for visiting my desk already

  16. Great clean photo of your desk and you and your new grandkitty. Adorable. Dorlene #24

  17. Love your crafting shed with all those wonderful goodies organised and ready to play with. The little Jess is adorable! Take care and have a good week. With love & God Bless, Caro x #12

  18. Hi Sarah, Jess is so cute. Love her markings.

    Hope you and Eva have a lovely time on the two day retreat.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #7

  19. What an adorable kitten! And to be trained for leash already!
    Enjoy your retreat! I go one one a week from today so no desks views from me next week!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a GREAT time!
    Carol N #22

  20. Your grand-kitty made me smile 😊 so well behaved. And my goodness! What a tidy desk! Thanks for reminding me what one looks like! Have a good week! Hope your weather is cooler than here! (105*)

  21. Such a cute kitty! Looks a bit like my Mittsy! Mittsy was on a leash when she was little, but now goes out on her own under the supervision of Inky!
    Your desk does look a little lonely, but I will wait and see the pics from the retreat! Thanks for your visit to mine, have a great week, Lindart #23

  22. Lovely view of your craft shed - I don't remember seeing it from this angle - and what an adorable kitty! Not doing WOYWW this week - just snooping around.

  23. Sorry I’m late! Your shed is more of a workshop really, and as lovely and tidy and organised as I always imagined! I do admire your strength at crafting without cake just because you’re on your own!! cute Kitty, not sure I ever heard of an supervised outdoor cat, but to be honest, if it prevents any cat carving up my garden, I’m all for it!!

  24. The shelves on your back wall look great! I am needing some more, since I'm running out of space to store my seminarian books. Jess is a handsome dude, and glad to hear he's a supervised outdoor cat, since he's sure to live longer. We have an indoor cat, and she loves it. Happy belated WOYWW! #26

  25. Hello Sarah. Apologies for a late visit. Your 'shed' is fab, lucky you! No cake!!! Jess is cute. Take care Anne X 17


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