Wednesday 19 June 2019

WOYWW 524: An Alternative View

Welcome to my desk share courtesy of Julia and the weekly get together over on the Stamping Ground.  The reports may be done, but I am still as busy as ever.  Two weeks today I will be midway through the Y8 visit to Berlin and so much still seems to need doing.  I am also busy finishing off samples for posting before I leave so I have set myself a timetable to fit everything in.
My desk shot today is an alternative view as I can't really show you the desk itself.  This is the view immediately to the right of where I sit, with frequently used supplies readily at hand. 
These tags were made for challenges using supplies from my exploding box (the red one on top of the stack).  I haven't shared the step by steps yet as I am stocking up on projects so that I can continue my daily blog posts while I am away.

These are the full shots of the sneak peeks that I shared last week.  There are more shows later today and tomorrow that I have made samples for too.
As you can see,  I moved away from my green and blue phase towards pink and purple.  Hope to get round any desks I don't get to before work this evening when I get in from school.  Happy WOYWW everyone.


  1. you do the same as me, as many desks before work and then the rest later... hope your to do list gets done and the trip goes off successfully! I am sure it will feature in one of your posts! Fabulous samples Helen #1

  2. Such wonderful creations, Sarah! We could do with the Celebrate card :D
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no. 2

  3. Beautiful creations here! I love the colors you are working with!
    Glenda #19

  4. You deserve a medal, taking Y8s to Berlin, lol!! Hope the trip goes well and without incident! Love your tags, that's the first time that metallicy foil has really shown up on a photo.
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  5. Berlin ... how wonderful. The last time I was there it was bitterly cold and snowing like crazy. I had to go and buy a new coat as my usual Christmas Market one just didn't work over there.
    I used to do that, prepare posts with work for when I was away. Funny how we crafters often work in similar ways.
    Have a wonderful time and keep those kids in check.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx
    ps great samples on show for us today

  6. Really lovely work, Love the green and gold.

    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #17

  7. Ah Sarah, love your tags really gorgeous both them but they’re my colours so a win win! Hopefully will pop back and see step by step later on, its good to be late to some blogs and yours is one of them!
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. Some lovely work here abnd I love the green and gold,

    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #17

  9. Happy WOYWW. Amazed at how you create so many brilliant things and be really busy. I expect you are not on Instagram most of the time?! Ali x #23

  10. Hi Sarah, I'm sneaking a few lunchtime visits in, as I never seem to get round everyone in the evening when I get home from work. And, I use a tablet at home, but a computer in the office - and boy have I discovered my typing is superfast on the keyboard compared to the tablet. So in future, I may well have to desert Mr M for an hour or two on a Wednesday evening, and do my visting on the computer in my craft room. I love the font on the Celebrate card ... in fact I love the card! Have a great time in Berlin - it must be over 10 years since I was there! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #11

  11. As. Hat as you are, your mojo stays with you. Great samples and I really like the tags. Am sort of relieved to see that you have an exploding box, although it’s not as explosive as the name suggests...even your scraps are tidy enough for you to access quickly!

  12. Hi Sarah, great selection of pieces, all so very different.Good luck on the to-do lists! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #14 X

  13. Beautiful! I love the colours! I like to say which is my favourite, so I choose...Time for Reflection! Gorgeous, and really gives off the right vibe! Have a great week, Lindart #25.

  14. Such a wonderful display of different mediums. It's nice to have things right next to our work areas. The tags and cards are great! Dorlene #26

  15. Gorgeous artwork as always, Sarah, and I love your storage area. It all looks so colourful and oranised! My studio is an absolute tip at the moment... Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you liked the card I made for my friend. She loved it! We had such a nice lunch party. The kitties say meaow back - Lily is griping in the hall at the moment as I write this, because she wants to go in the garden and my hubby is out! Ruby has been behind the fridge all afternoon while my cleaning lady was here. She hates the noise of the hoover and always hides!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  16. I love your beautiful storage of all those useful items and the cards and tags are stunning. Happy WOYWW. With Love & God Bless, Caro x (#10)

  17. Hi Sarah, Love all your beautiful cards and tags.

    Hope all goes well on the trip to Germany.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #8

  18. Hi Sarah, fun cards :) I love that you labeled your ink pads with color on the words :) ~Stacy #28

  19. Hi Sarah, you always seem so busy I'm not sure where you find time to sleep. Like the alternative view of your desk today - so many supplies very handy. the labels are, as ever, beautiful and the cards are gorgeous - love your green and blue phase but the purple fab too. Hope all the preparations for Berlin go well and have a great week. Elizabeth x #24

  20. Hi Sarah, lovely card collection. I had to smile at this post as it all sounds so familiar. Although I'm not teaching now I still make lists to organise my week. I thought I would have loads of time when I retired, I was kidding myself Lol! I know you'll get everything done and if you don't.....well it can wait till you get back. Wishing you a happy creative woyww, Angela x15x

  21. Hello Sarah thanks for visiting. I really don't know how you fit it all in! Lovely work. Anne x 18

  22. Kudos for labeling your distress ink! (It’s on my to-do list). This is a tidy little window you’ve shared. How long will you be in Berlin? I did not catch that. Have fun! You are such a busy lady!

  23. Beautiful cards & tags ... I'm a tag girl I'm afraid despite being told constantly that tags are not "proper" cards. Every card I send is a tag so I guess I am disappointing a lot of people :) Thanks for popping by my blog yesterday ... sorry I didn't get back to you before now but the news about Erika just knocked me for six. Oh and as for a school trip to Berlin ... you must be Superwoman! Love Debbie xXx


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