Wednesday 24 May 2023

WOYWW 729: Post Anniversary Blues

Welcome to the start of year 15 in the annals of WOYWW - please visit Julia at Stamping Ground to find out more.

My desk shows some of the lovely ATCs I have received despite only participating in the PIF with one ATC made.  From top left - Christine, BJ, Mary Anne.  From bottom left - Helen and our fearless leader Julia complete with badge.  Thank you so much everyone; they are much appreciated and were lovely to come home to after a busy day at work.

Having really enjoyed a face to face workshop with Maria Moorhouse in Hadnall (Shrewsbury) on Saturday, I woke Sunday morning with a cold and by the time I went to bed I had a really sore throat too.  Woke up Monday morning feeling even more lousy and with no voice so I was sensible for once and sent in work - slept over 18 hours in 24.  I avoided my recorder group yesterday afternoon too so I would be well enough to go back into school today.

Just about managed to keep up with my #dailydrawing2023.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


  1. Hope you are feeling better (properly better) soon. There seems to be something going round as a lady at work has lost her voice too and so has her daughter in law. Great batch of atcs. Take care Helen #1

  2. You got some lovely ATCs. You haven't received one from me because I still don't know how to get your address. Happy WOYWW from #4.

  3. Sorry to hear you’ve been rough, hope you’re feeling better now. The daily drawings are fun!!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  4. Hi Sarah. Lovely ATC'S. Sorry you have been unwell. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Anne x 14

  5. Oh what a pickle, hope you are feeling better today and it doesn't drag on. Sorry you have the post anniversary blues, I'm still wallowing in it, still it's lovely to see you have a bundle of ATCs, you so deserve it. I've signed up for another reader (year 1) to start on 6th June, actually glad I've had a break but also glad to be getting back into it soon. Super drawings as ever, glad you managed it with being poorly and all. Gentle Hugs BJ#17

  6. Sorry to hear you've been so unwell, I do hope you are on the mend and will be feeling fully recovered very soon. I'm loving the drawings and gld you maanged to keep them going despite being ill.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #16

  7. Sorry to hear you have the Summer cold already . . . sleep is always the best medicine in my book.
    Looking at your drawings today, I think you are adding so much more detail now, I'm not an expert but they look really good.
    Take care and have a good week
    Christine #18

  8. Hi Sarah, great collection of ATCs. It's lovely when you hear them pop through the letter box and see the lovely ideas that have been produced. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling so good and hope you're feeling be feeling better soon. Great collection of new journal pages too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  9. Lovely ATCs. Hope you are feeling much better now. Angela #19

  10. Oh my goodness, 18 hours!!! I', lucky if I get three! Anyway, hope you are feeling a whole lot better now. Like the drawings my fav has to be... the child! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) I think I'm linked at 14.

  11. Love the daily drawinghs but sorry to hear you've been poorly. Sounds like you needed that bed rest though!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx

  12. Hope that by now you are feeling much better. You must have been rough to not go to work, you don't take time off easily.
    Sorry I am so late visiting, the torn muscle has been horrible on top of everything else.
    Lovely atc's on display, nothing quite hits it like happy mail does it?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. I hope you're feeling much better Sarah πŸ™ glad you enjoyed the workshop though ⭐️Looooove, love all your wee drawings ✏️ all so beautiful 😍🀩 my favourite is the crosses on the hill ❤️ πŸ’– Gorgeous array of ATC's through the post to bring smiles to your day ❤️Thank you so much for stopping by last week πŸ€— Bella's sending lots of kisses and licks your way πŸΎπŸ• with love and hugs Tracy #12 xxxx


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