Wednesday 27 April 2022

WOYWW 673: Only 3 Weeks

 Well the school holidays may be over, but it is only 3 weeks until we celebrate the 13th anniversary of WOYWW - the longest running weekly blog hop going.  Thank you so much to Julia for getting it all started and everyone who takes part regularly - such a great group of crafters.

I must admit that my desk shot was taken yesterday afternoon as I got my #dailychallenge2022 ready for an early morning craft on a work day.  Here is a round up of the last 7 days as always.

I am currently working my way through a stash of K & Co floral stickers that I found in a drawer.

I am really looking forward to my second Tilly Tea Dance workshop on Saturday so hope to be able to share the results next week.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. 


  1. this week's daily pages are just fab! I haven't even moved a thing on my desk this week, it's very boring. I must take a leaf out of your book! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. I think the daily challenge you have set yourself to do must be very inspiring for you, as a viewer it is certainly something I like to look forward to and it is good seeing them all grouped together on your blog.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  3. Goood morning 🤗 Sarah, loving your journal pages along with the messages each one holds 🥰💕🥰 love K&Co ... You have me itching to go hunt mine out 😊 Enjoy the workshop on Saturday ... loving the name Tilly Tea Dance ... can't wait to see! Sending love and hugs Tracy #10 xxxxxxx

  4. I am so impressed with your progress. Your enthusiasm for the journal pages has encouraged me to get started though I think one a week may be all I manage for now. Happy WOYWW with hugs, Angela x9x

  5. Oooh, exciting, I hope the workshop is a good one and that you have fun! Great pages as usual, I do admire you crafting before work, it was all I could do to get out of the house on time….
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  6. Gorgeous pages Sarah, I love the stickers you found and it's great to be using up stash - K & Co do lovely stuff.
    Hope you are getting back into the swing of things at school, have a good week,
    Diana xx #12

  7. Beautiful journal pages, Sarah. Enjoy your workshop on Saturday
    Lynnecrafts 5

  8. Lovely makes and have serious envy that you are going to another Tilly workshop! Happy crafting.

  9. Gorgeous cards. Oh I do hope I can pop up and say hello on Saturday at some point - even if I only call in at the end to help Tilly clear away. Enjoy your day. xx

  10. Well done Sarah on giving such a weekly summary page by page, do you turn them into cards or use as a journal prob more like. Very nice and well on setting room up for early morning craft too
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Fabulous pages, I am hoping to start my collage book soon. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

  12. All your journal pages (this week's and last week's) are lovely! I love the stickers, good for you for using them, when I have gorgeous stickers they tend to get hoarded, Funny that! But eventually I do use them up. I love the simplicity of your pages and the words you used on each page. Have a great week, Lindart #19

  13. OOh lovely Sarah, what a great find those stickers are! I miss Kay&Co! They are great pages, as usual, I wonder if it alters your mood to be creating with particular themes? Time for a study! I hope the holidays being over sees you fighting fit and avoiding anyone with so much as a sniff.

  14. I am late with posting is working. Great pages and a fun find. Hope you are feeling much better and have a great holiday. (we had Easter 17th.) Have fun with Tilly's workshop, I love her works.

  15. Beautiful pages! Have fun at your workshop!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #17

  16. Love the pages great colours, enjoy your Tilly Tea Dance workshop at the weekend

    Have a great week

    Lilian B # 14

  17. Good morning, Sarah.
    I love K & Co products. Those layouts are so pretty. Enjoy the workshop! Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #20

  18. Thank you for reminding me, I have some K&C stickers and papers somewhere, they were one of the first things I bought waaaaay back. Really must use them to make space for new stuff! I never wanted to cut into them as they weren't cheap! and were soooo lovely.Lovely layouts, all looking great! Happy late WOYWW!?

  19. ooh I am impressed, crafting before work, like Helen I havent touched mine this week so I need to take a leaf out of your book.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already


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