Monday 18 March 2019

Building Up Gel Print Layers Using Paint and a Stencil: New Home Card

A New Home Card made with one of the new Town and Hills stencils from Claritystamp.  I played around with building up some layers of interest in a gel print using a large gel plate and paint.
I started by adding the Gold Hill stencil to my large gel plate (8" x 10").  I added Matt Violine DecoCreme paint along the bottom and Matt Turquoise DecoCreme paint along the top and used a Speedball brayer to blend and smooth the paint on the plate.  I used the Punchinella which comes with the Town and Texture super stencils set to create texture in the sky.  I laid it over the sky and pressed down lightly in places to remove some paint.  You can see my fingerprints in the finished piece too, but they just added to the texture and look a little like clouds in the finished piece.
I removed the stencil and allowed the paint to dry.
Next I added Titanium Buff paint to the gel plate and used my brayer until only a thin, even layer remained.  I immediately pulled a print onto a large piece of Clarity stencil card.
Once dry, I trimmed the image back, keeping all the offcuts for future use.  Next, I laid the clean stencil back over the print and went round it using a purple micron pen.
I decided to add further interest to the scene with some stamping.  I stamped the teeny weenie lady walking a dog stamp from the Grove Trees Outline stamp set in Dusty Concord Distress Archival ink.  I also added 'Happy Home' from Mini Word Chains 1&2 as if the words were coming out of the chimney.  I stamped the words in Versamark ink and heat embossed them in silver detail EP.
As the words did not stand out very well against the sky, I went round the letters in the same micron pen as before.
I matted the topper onto purple and then silver card and added it to a cream A5 card blank.
When cleaning off my brayer, I created an interesting background on a piece of copy paper which was perfect for another project.  If you pop back later in the week, I will be sharing the project then.

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