Wednesday 15 February 2017

WOYWW 402: A Taxing Week

So here we are again for another WOYWW hosted by Julia (to find out more about it check out HERE).  It seems like such a long time since last week.  Thanks for everyone's best wishes; number three son is out of hospital and on the road to recovery.  Yesterday was as usual the source for the photograph; apologies however, as I totally forgot to take a photo of my friend's side of the desk.  As you can see, I was working on an art journal page following the prompt 'Dream' set by Journal52.  I had used a mop up page as the background and actually added very little to it (for full Step by step and finished piece see HERE).  I used some of my Clarity stamps and you can see one of my stamp binders in the foreground.
Here is a close up of my mug: the message says it all! A happy WOYWW to you all; next week is half term, so I may have a little more to share.

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