Tuesday 14 February 2017

Journal52 #6: Dream

This page was completed in world record time; 20 minutes from start to finish including drying time!  It did help, that the entire background was already complete, as I used the mop up sheet from the tag which I made at the weekend (see HERE for step by step).  I am finally keeping up with the weekly word prompt set by Journal52 and I'm loving every minute.
The tag.
The original mop up sheet
The background  was created by mopping up the over spray in Chipped Sapphire and Broken China from creating a tag.  I simply spritzed the left over ink with water and laid some deli paper over it, drying the paper off between colours.  I never throw anything away now and have found that the most fabulous backgrounds can result from cleaning off a brayer or mopping up excess ink from my glass mat.
I glued the background down covering the whole page using Matt Mod Podge and and covered the front of the background sheet with Mod Podge too.  Once I had dried everything with my heat tool, I trimmed off the excess. I then had a good look through my Claritystamp collection.  I knew that I had the word 'Dream' among my collection of Word Chain stamps, but I also wanted to use some of the 'Wee Folk' children.  I chose two; the girl on the swing and the boy reading a book, as they seemed to fit the sentiment and it was obvious where I could place them on the background.  I stamped all three using Cobalt Archival ink in keeping with the colour theme.  Finally, i added some Chipped Sapphire distress crayon below the boy reading a book and blended it with my finger so that he was grounded.

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