Tuesday 10 January 2023

Bijou Floral Alphabet With Love

Once again I combined the Bijou Floral Alphabet stamps with the Open Letterbox Alphabet stamps but this time in a different way using designer card.

Die cut a topper from Amazonia Designer card using the 6” x 5” nested rectangles die and a mat from Clarity stencil card using the corresponding nested rectangles picot die.
Add WITH LOVE to the topper in Versamark ink using the Bijou Floral Alphabet stamps and heat emboss with white embossing powder.
Die cut a row of hearts between the rows of lettering using the smallest nested hearts die.
Mat up the topper and add it to the front of a 7” x 7” black card blank.
Add To You to the die cut hearts using the open letterbox alphabet in the same manner as before.

To finish, add the hearts along the bottom of the card.

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