Saturday 8 October 2022

Seed Pods Autumn Panel

I wanted to use autumnal colours on this card to go with the time of year.  I used the A6 KISS Build a Scene Seed Pods stamps from Clarity.

Mask off a 3cm aperture, 3cm from the bottom of a 5” x 5” white card blank using Clarity mask blanks.
Brush Mustard Seed Distress ink through the aperture using a Clarity stencil brush.
Add the largest individual seed pod from the stamp set of the same name multiple times in Black Soot Distress Archival ink.
Add a seed crown to each pod in the same ink.
Colour the seed pods in shades of red and orange. Remove the masking.
Add black lines along the top and bottom of the panel using a fine liner.
To finish, add the verse from the same stamp set as before.

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