Friday 1 January 2021

Daily Drawing: A New Year's Resolution

Having taken part in #inktober2020 last year, I decided to carry on with a daily drawing.  First I finished up all the prompts from #drawcember2018 that I didn't finish, then moved onto the #drawcember2020 prompts.  I am currently working my way through the #inktober2019 prompts as I didn't take part last year.  Even though I often copy a drawing or picture or follow an online tutorial, I find that I am becoming more confident in my abilities.  Here are all my drawings following the #drawcember2020 prompts although, I finished on 27th December with mine.

This scene was copied from a photo.
This one was from my imagination for a change.
Another from the imagination.
A quick drawing before work.
Another quickie. I rarely take longer than 10-15 minutes from start to finish.

On workdays as little as 5 minutes.
I must admit to avoiding drawing people as it is not one of my strengths.
A fun image copied from some clip art.
Another from my imagination though.
If I have to draw people, they tend to be cartoon like.
A passtime I enjoyed when younger.
The middle of Hanukkah.
Another quickie before work.
No snow where we are so far!
Another image from a tutorial.
A cop out to avoid drawing people lol.
And another cartoon when I couldn't avoid it.
First day of the holidays.
My favourite part of a meal.
Still wishful thinking.
Looking forward to a small gathering at Christmas.
Back to cartoons.
How I should have spent 2020.
I even made time on Christmas morning.
I brought this prompt forward as I had no idea about the actual one.
A day ahead again.
I made a conscious choice to finish this series on 27th.  Firstly I had run out of space in my Daler-Rowney cartridge paper book and secondly because Mum's birthday is the traditional end of Christmas celebrations even though we couldn't be together.

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