Thursday 23 July 2020

Quarantine Quickies #79 & #80: Cat's Eye / No Entry

The latest instalment of my Quarantine Quickie tags following the prompts on Mission Inspiration. 80% complete now!

Cover a #8 manilla tag with a piece of inky deli paper, seal with matte medium, dry and and trim the excess.
Stamp one of the cat’s eyes from the Visible Image Curious Cats stamp set in Onyx Black Versafine ink and heat emboss with clear embossing powder.
Colour the eye with a Faber-Castell green big brush marker.
Add the cat from the Clarity Birdhouse Garden stamp set at the bottom in the same manner as the eye.
Lay the Clarity Sunshine stencil over the eye and add Vivid Chartreuse archival ink through it with a foam tool.
Add highlights with a Faber-Castell big brush marker, blended out with a Pergamano blending pen and nib.
To finish, add the prompt using a black Posca pen.
Cover a #8 manilla tag with a piece of inky deli paper, seal with matte medium, dry and trim the excess.
Stamp one of the Heartfelt Creations Vintage Door stamps onto a piece of Clarity stencil card in Coffee Archival ink, seal with a layer of matte medium and dry thoroughly.
Colour the door with Faber-Castell big brush markers, blended out with a Pergamano blending pen and nibs.
Fussy cut the door and add it to the tag. Add further shading round the door as before.
Using the solid circle stamp from Sam’s Shapes 2, stamp onto Clarity stencil card using Red Geranium Archival ink.
Using one of the stencils from Sam’s ‘Don’t Be Such A Square’ set, add Versamark ink along the centre of the image and heat emboss with white embossing powder.
Fussy cut the image leaving a very narrow white border. Edge the image with the Red Geranium ink pad and add the sign to the door.
To finish, add the prompt using a black Posca pen.

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