Monday 4 May 2020

Quarantine Quickies #25 & #26: Hot cakes / Spill the Beans

Two more pages for my Quarantine Quickies tag journal, following the prompts on Mission Inspiration and using stamps and stencils from Clarity.
Cover a #8 manilla tag with the top layer of a paper towel mop up sheet. Seal with matte medium, dry and trim the excess.
Stamp the cupcake (NDC #142) onto Clarity stencil card in Onyx Black Versafine ink.
Create a mask for the image, mask it off and stamp a second cake below it.
Move the mask down and repeat. Remove the mask.  Seal the image with matte medium to create a non-porous surface.
Use Faber-Castell big brush markers to colour the cakes, Blend out the colour with a Pergamano blending pen and nib while still wet.
Fussy cut the cakes.
Stamp and seal the Phoenix onto a separate piece of stencil card in the same manner as before.
Colour in the same way as the cakes. Fussy cut the flames and the phoenix separately.
Cut a slit in the flames and set the bottom cupcake into it. Add the Phoenix behind the top cupcake.
Add the images to the tag.
Add shading round the images using a Faber-Castell big brush markers and a Derwent Inktense pencil blended out with a watercolour brush pen.
To finish, hand write the prompt using a black micron pen.
Cover a #8 manilla tag with a piece of brown envelope decorated with paint. Seal, dry and trim the excess.
Use the Elegant Ladies 4 stencil from Clarity to add the silhouette of a figure using a Pitt Artist pen.
Stamp the dog from the Wee Fashion (Umbrella) stamp set at the bottom of the tag in Onyx black Versafine ink.
Add the speech bubble stamp from the same set in the same manner.
Draw a lead from the lady’s wrist to the dog using a Pitt Artist pen.
To finish, write the prompt inside the speech bubble with a black micron pen and add highlights using a white gel pen.

1 comment:

  1. Love your 'Spill the Beans' tag, most particularly for that oh-so-tactile background. Well done!


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