Saturday 30 November 2019

Acetate Overlay with Metal Leaf Flakes

I love the large Mixed Impressions texture stamps from Clarity, they make such great backgrounds in combination with Distress Oxides.

Cut a piece of large Clarity stencil card to 20cm x 13.8cm. Stamp the large Florals Nature stamp over the page in shades of Mowed Lawn, Peeled Paint and Forest Moss Oxides. Use a stamp platform and keep building up layers of colour, adding the Oxides to the stamp with foam tools.

Leaving the stamp on the platform, add a little Walnut Stain Oxide round the edges, mist lightly with water from a distance and stamp again.
Trim the sides of the card to the edges of the stamping.
Remove the front protective cover off a piece of large acetate. Stamp the Fly away Boy stamp using Pentart metal leaf glue onto the acetate and add Variegated Gold flakes, buff off excess. Clean the stamp in warm soapy water, rinse and dry.
Line up the stamp over the background through the acetate in a stamp platform. Remove the acetate and stamp the Fly Away Boy in Acorn archival ink onto the background.
Add Dream from Word Chain 5 in the same ink.
Line the acetate up over the background, remove the covering on the back and trim level top and bottom. Score the acetate level either side of the background card and stick it at the back using heavy duty double sided tape along the sides.
Make a card blank by trimming a piece of dark brown card to 21cm x 27cm and fold in half. To finish, add the panel to the front of the card, leaving an even border all round.

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