Tuesday 29 October 2019

Peace on Earth Bauble Trio

I used a second set of Barbara Gray's overlay bauble stamps to make this card.
Stamp the Peace on Earth outline stamp onto a piece of 7” x 7” Clarity stencil card in Onyx Black Versafine ink and heat emboss with holographic embossing powder.
Add two further bauble outlines in the same manner with the points of the baubles in the centre.

Pounce Tumbled Glass, Faded Jeans and Broken China Distress Oxides onto the matching solid bauble and stamp over one of the outlines, lining up the images carefully.
Add further ink to the solid stamp and continue until all three baubles have colour.

Add masks and gently brush Tumbled Glass Distress ink around each bauble.
Add blue aquarelle Perga liner along the left hand side of each bauble and blend out the colour with a water colour brush.
Trim the background to 6.75” x 6.75”. Add a couple of the Clarity Christmas stickers.
To finish, add the topper to the front of a 7” x 7” black card blank. Go round the edge of each sticker in the same blue pencil as before and blend out the colour.

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